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2023-07-07 12:52
Always have sense the curiosity and the need of know who is that person, that resident that coexists in me and what is its true image, that that in way any mirror any not could never tell me. The repeated insinuations that make reference to the physical resemblance and genetic material that seems to cohabit in me, my father's legacy, has led me to procure myself a combined duo-portrait of my current physical, with the face that my father had a few years before the start of his decline. would the result...? can that the image is looks like, but my form of feel and of thinking disengage completely of it figure result, by what not I acknowledge. The way and circumstantial idea of each individual mode is inseparable from his physical. In conclusion therefore... the mirror image by very alien to me to deserve or long credit value that attempt to subtract, equates to a greater degree to the esteemed idea that I have of myself. "Certainly something more aged, since I've coupled photographs with 20 years of difference, but..."