The Birthday of the World and
'Her most important book since ALWAYS COMING HOME and her most satisfactory collection since her first, the brilliant, THE WIND'S TWELVE QUARTERS. A formidable and rewarding work, a prime candidate for best SF collection of the year. An essential book.' LOCUS Six of the eight piece are set in Le Guin's classic Hainish cycle. The title story, 'The Birthday of the World', st...
'Her most important book since ALWAYS COMING HOME and her most satisfactory collection since her first, the brilliant, THE WIND'S TWELVE QUARTERS. A formidable and rewarding work, a prime candidate for best SF collection of the year. An essential book.' LOCUS Six of the eight piece are set in Le Guin's classic Hainish cycle. The title story, 'The Birthday of the World', stands alone and the final piece, 'Paradises Lost', is a new short novel original to the collection, a major addition to the generation starship subgenre of science fiction.
娥蘇拉.勒瑰恩(Ursula K. Le Guin)
美國重要奇幻科幻、女性主義文學作家,1929年生。父親Alfred Kroeber是人類學家,母親Theodora Kroeber是心理學家暨作家,出身書香世家的她,從小便受到多元文化觀的洗禮。著有長篇小說20餘部,另有短篇小說集、詩集、評論集、童書等多部著作;並編纂文選與從事翻譯,包括將老子《道德經》譯成英文。曾獲美國國家書卷獎、號角書獎、紐伯瑞獎、世界奇幻獎、軌跡獎、星雲獎、雨果獎、小詹姆斯.提普翠獎、卡夫卡獎、普須卡獎……等,以及SFWA大師、洛杉磯時報Robert Kirsch終生成就獎等榮譽。
娥蘇拉.勒瑰恩(Ursula K. Le Guin)
美國重要奇幻科幻、女性主義文學作家,1929年生。父親Alfred Kroeber是人類學家,母親Theodora Kroeber是心理學家暨作家,出身書香世家的她,從小便受到多元文化觀的洗禮。著有長篇小說20餘部,另有短篇小說集、詩集、評論集、童書等多部著作;並編纂文選與從事翻譯,包括將老子《道德經》譯成英文。曾獲美國國家書卷獎、號角書獎、紐伯瑞獎、世界奇幻獎、軌跡獎、星雲獎、雨果獎、小詹姆斯.提普翠獎、卡夫卡獎、普須卡獎……等,以及SFWA大師、洛杉磯時報Robert Kirsch終生成就獎等榮譽。