
联合创作 · 2023-09-03 19:47

《琳琅集 中国最短韵律诗》是一本英汉对照诗集,原诗精选了61首中国魏、南朝、隋、唐、宋、明、清各朝代的五言绝句,短小精悍,意蕴悠长,其中有些诗歌拥有多个译本,译者皆为常年研究、从事翻译的译者、高校教师、专家,译文风格多样。本书隶属于“东西文翰大系”下的“典韵诗丛”,由木樨颜(颜海峰)主编。

Finest Gems: The Shortest Rhyming Poems of Ancient China is a Chinese-English collection of 61 five-character quatrains from such dynasties as Wei, Southern, Sui, Tang, Song, Ming, Qing of ancient China. The poems selected are short y...

《琳琅集 中国最短韵律诗》是一本英汉对照诗集,原诗精选了61首中国魏、南朝、隋、唐、宋、明、清各朝代的五言绝句,短小精悍,意蕴悠长,其中有些诗歌拥有多个译本,译者皆为常年研究、从事翻译的译者、高校教师、专家,译文风格多样。本书隶属于“东西文翰大系”下的“典韵诗丛”,由木樨颜(颜海峰)主编。

Finest Gems: The Shortest Rhyming Poems of Ancient China is a Chinese-English collection of 61 five-character quatrains from such dynasties as Wei, Southern, Sui, Tang, Song, Ming, Qing of ancient China. The poems selected are short yet with profound implications. Some of the poems are rendered in different ways or styles by different transaltors who have been studying and working on translation for years. lt is the second book of the "Classic Rhyme Series" under the "Orient-Occident Lit Collection" , edited by Brent Yan.

关 于 译 者

About the Translators

陈林,男(英文名:Oliver Chen),1966年生于江苏无锡。1987年从南京师大外文系英语专业本科毕业后从事英语教学多年。九十年代留学美国获硕士学位。

Chen Lin (English name: Oliver Chen) was born in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province in 1966. He ever taught English for some years after he graduated from the Foreign Languages Department of Nanjing Normal University in 1987, majoring in English. In the 1990s, he went to study in t...

关 于 译 者

About the Translators

陈林,男(英文名:Oliver Chen),1966年生于江苏无锡。1987年从南京师大外文系英语专业本科毕业后从事英语教学多年。九十年代留学美国获硕士学位。

Chen Lin (English name: Oliver Chen) was born in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province in 1966. He ever taught English for some years after he graduated from the Foreign Languages Department of Nanjing Normal University in 1987, majoring in English. In the 1990s, he went to study in the US and received his master's degree.


Cui Chuanming, Master, Associate Professor at Shandong University of Science and Technology, postgraduate supervisor. He enjoys writing and translating poems. He has published a collection of Chinese poems, a collection of translated poems, and also won the first prize in "100 Translators’ Translation" contest. His pursuit in translation: Elegance.


Ding houyin (1966 -), born in Suqian City, Jiangsu. He graduated from the school of foreign languages of Nanjing Normal University in July 1990; In 2004, he was an Associate Professor, which has been affirmed by Jiangsu Education Department. Now he is a teacher of English majors in Suqian University. He served as vice president of Suqian Translation Association and director of Translation Rresearch Center of Suqian University.


Fan Gongsheng (Ken), received his Bachelor degree from USTC, and PhD in mathematics from Columbia University. He now resides in Hong Kong after more than two decades in United States. Enjoying poetry writing and translation, and received numerous awards in translation competitions.

冯雷,翻译学博士(Stellenbosch University), 副教授,曾任南非斯坦陵布什大学中文部主任,高级讲师,太原理工大学国际教育系主任,国际合作处副处长,牙买加西印度大学莫纳分校孔子学院中方院长(2019—),《百人百译中国文化名言》项目(2019.4—)主持人。

Feng Lei is an associate Professor of Taiyuan University of Technology. He worked and studied at Stellenbosch University from 2005 to 2011 and holds a PhD in Translation Studies. He has published academic works and papers in the fields of Second Language Studies and Translation Studies in both English and Chinese. Currently he is working at the University of the West Indies, Mona as the Chinese director of the Confucius Institute. He has been the coordinator of the international translation project “One Hundred Translators One Hundred Translations” since 2019.


Guo Xiaoqian, postgraduate majoring English language and literature, mainly John Donne’s poetry at the School of Foreign Languages, Hebei Normal University. She has translated 10 Han Haiku written by Professor Zhu Kunling in the journal Contemporary Avant-garde Literature, also co-translated Wild Goose Whistler—Selected Short Poems of Zhang Zhonghai with a Chinese poet Bei Ta, and published several articles.


Hua Wei, known online as Wuxinjian, was born in 1972 in Luzhou, Sichuan. He graduated from Nanjing University as a math major in 1994 and became a national level 3 translator in 2019. He has been teaching math and computer programming in a vocational and technical college, but he loves translating poems so much that in the past ten more years he has translated more than two thousand poems and gradually formed a rather unique poetry-translating style.


Huang Yangxun (Alex), TAC/AUSIT/CITAA, is a CATTI/NAATI accredited/certified translator based in Sydney, Australia. He is dedicated to language services and multicultural communication as he works for Lionshield and Multicultural NSW. He has translated and published more than 20 bestsellers, picture albums and children’s books including China and WHO, Safari, The Power Presenter, Apollo’s Arrow, etc.


Li Ning, has studied in Duke University (U.S.) and NTU (Singapore) during the doctoral level. She is now teaching and living in Guangzhou, China.


Ren Chenggang, Professor of English, College of Foreign Languages, Yunnan Agricultural University; Guest Professor of Dianchi College, Yunnan University; who is a member of China Traditional Poetry Society and a council member of Yunnan Translators Association; Editor of Poetry Hall; Vice president of Overseas Phoenix Poetry Translation Society.

史潘荣,微信名未央,英文笔名Joseph Spring,七星译诗社之天枢星,《诗殿堂》翻译主编、西京学院英文教师。

Shi Panrong, WeChat name Weiyang, Engliah name Joseph Spring, Celestial Pivot of the Seven Stars Translating Poetry Society, is a poetry lover and translator. He teaches English at Xijing University in Xi’an, China.

王昌玲,任职于安徽师范大学外国语学院,热爱翻译,出版合(独)译著五部以及《我译,故我在—中国古典诗词英译析释》(2021);两次获得韩素音翻译大赛汉译英之优秀奖(2009, 2018),2010年首届海峡英语竞赛汉译英一等奖。

Wang Changling teaches at the School of Foreign Studies, Anhui Normal University, who has published five translations (co-authored four) and authored I Translate, Therefore I Am—Annotations on English translation of Classical Chinese Poetry (2021). She has been awarded twice for Excellent C/E Translation in Han Suyin Award for Young Translators (2009, 2018), and awarded the first prize for C/E Translation in the First Straits English Contest (2010).


Wang Ruli (1973- ) is an associate professor of English at School of Foreign Studies, Minzu University of China. Her research interests range from English literature, sociolinguistics to academic and poetry translation. Her WeChat public account “Poetry Translation of Orchid” is dedicated to the translation, spread and inheritance of classical Chinese poetry.


Wei Hongxia (Beatrice), from Chaohu city, Anhui Province; associate professor of Foreign Languages School of Anhui Polytechnic University; Chinese and Western Cultural Design Supervisor; graduated from Anhui & Nanjing Normal University; visiting scholar of Nanjing University and British University of Liverpool.


Xu Yingcai, a teacher of Chinese Studies, translator, and poet, has dozens of translation publications and is an editor or co-editor of dozens of non-translation publications. He is the president of the Chinese Poetry Association and the Editor-in-Chief of Poetry Hall.


Yang Lingling, a native of Changde, Hunan province and a lover for Poem and Lyrics, graduated from Hunan university with Master’s degree in Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics and is currently teaching at School of Foreign Languages of Guangdong University of Science and Technology and mainly focus on Cognitive Poetics and Poetry Translation.


Yang Xiubo, graduated from Shanghai International Studies University, is an associate professor of Guilin University of Technology, an executive editor of the Chinese and English Bilingual journal affiliated to Chinese Poetry Association, Poetry Hall. She is a co-editor of the dictionary, A Companion to American Literature, the author of Interpreting Hamlet, which is collected in British Library and Library of Congress in America; the author of Shakespeare’s Soul, published in 2021.


Yang zhongren: Senior Translator, retired college professor, lover of literature & culture translating. Host of the column “Multi-Translating Same English Poems”, Executive editor of the Chinese-English bilingual journal Poetry Hall.


Yu Yuanyuan is an associate professor at Anhui University,and academic visitor in the Faculty of English at the University of Cambridge (2018-2019).


Zhang Qiong, an associate professor of School of Foreign Languages of Zhaoqing University, a senior member of Translators Association of China President of Translators Association of Zhaoqing member of the Chinese Poetry Association, an editor in Translation Department of Poetry Hall.

赵彦春,上海大学教授、上海大学翻译研究与出版中心主任、国际学术期刊Translating China主编、国际汉学与教育研究会会长、中医药促进会传统文化翻译与国际传播专业委员会会长、中国先秦史学会国学双语研究会执行会长。

Zhao Yanchun, Professor of English at Shanghai University, Director of Shanghai University Center for Translation and Publishing, Editor of Translating China, President of International Sinology and Education, President of Chinese Culture Translation and International Promotion, Executive President of Chinese Classics Bilinguals’ Association.


Zhao Yizhong was the deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of Handan City in Hebei Province, the vice chairman of Handan Municipal Translation Association, the director of the Hebei Provincial Translation Association, as well as the general manager of Handan Municipal Tourism Bureau. He has been an interpreter all the time.


Zhang Haoyuan, Master of Translation and Interpreting (MTI), mainly works on Chinese opera translation and poem translation.

张立国,旅加学者。分别在加拿大约克大学和麦克马斯特大学获得社会工作专业学士和硕士学位。其用英文撰写的研究专著"论中国老年移民对加拿大的贡献" 在亚马逊图书网站有售。有四部译著在国内出版。其散文(英文)"落地生根" 被收入"庆祝加拿大成立150周年文萃"一书。

Zhang Liguo, social science researcher and translator. He has four books translated from English into Chinese. His translations related in Chinese and English literature, poem and social sciences. He obtained Bachelor of social work from York University, Canada and Master of social work from McMaster University, Canada.


Zhang Zhizhong is professor, doctoral supervisor, and dean of the Translation Department of Foreign Languages College, Nankai University, vice president of the Committee of English Translation of Chinese Classics of China English-Chinese Comparative Study Seminar, and part-time professor of Cross-Culture & World Literature Academy of Tianjin Normal University, and guest editor of Rendition of International Poetry, etc.

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