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2023-07-07 12:57
The end of the 20th century, beginning of the 21st has been and will no doubt by the great computer revolution and telecommunications. All and each one of those corners of our the life are now plagued of circuits, transistors and programs that have altered them habits of life by full. Industry and trade have evolved to adapt to new mechanisms for buying and selling and imposed a total mastery of the image, now in formats and resolutions never before nor so even conceived. The more custom media for the practice of the Leisure and that involves much social networks, have greatly diminished the hitherto only and hegemonic television resource that has been ballasting in search of an audience that has degenerated into the “reality show”. "Them video games gifted of a realism and quality shocking nothing enviable to it of any film, exceed them hearings of them rooms of cinema of Premiere and however this climbing of technology not has made rather than start, by what is predicts a time in which them automations us bestow of much more time of recreation, but with a total dependence."Video and communications systems have managed to catch us with their quality and spectacular and bring us into virtual worlds, to such an extent to unsuspected limits in which human relationships have ended to be more effective through electronic means that a face-to-face"."The future is of those and for those who dream":