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2023-07-07 19:21
Big Bembi "The appearance of Big Bambi in this troubled time puzzled the Prince.He remembers it small, spotty. Such a modified form teases him, obviously hiding the secret, having taken off the covers of which, he becomes the owner of a wonderful knowledge. Attempts to get it with the help of mind are defeated. Realizing this, the Prince suffers. Emptiness, anxiety fill all of his nature. Trying to dislodge them, and find peace, he reads: «In the first year of the impostor’s rule, under the motto «Establishment of a dynasty», an earthquake happened in the first moon. The Taoist monastery went underground, and at this place a pond with water, scarlet, like blood, was formed. Red evaporation reached the sky, and then from the pond a red dragon, resembling an eel, flew straight into the sky. Then the radiance lit up the earth, and from the Boötes constellation the flying star came off. The star fell to the ground. We went to that place, and it was not a star, but a piece of meat thirty paces long, and twenty seven width and it smelled of stanch. Not ceasing by day or night, in those places there was a weeping and moaning».This lines are obviously hiding the secret, having taken off the covers of which, he becomes the owner of a wonderful knowledge. Attempts to get it with the help of mind are defeated. Realizing this, the Prince suffers. Emptiness, anxiety fill all of his nature. Trying to dislodge them, and find peace, he thinks about Big Bembi." Vasiliy Ryabchenko (1994)