字节跳动 Web Infra 团队招聘信息


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2021-08-05 12:39


我们是字节跳动的 Web Infrastructure Team,作为公司的基础技术团队,我们的目标是提供优秀的技术解决方案,助力公司业务成长,同时打造开放的技术生态,推动公司和业界前端技术的发展。目前团队主要专注的方向包括 现代 Web 开发解决方案、低代码搭建、Serverless、跨端解决方案、终端基础体验、ToB 等等,已经在多个地方设立了研发团队,包括 北京、上海、杭州、广州、深圳、新加坡。

团队专栏:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/bytedancer 投递方式:webinfra@bytedance.com邮件标题:应聘+城市+岗位名称(例如:应聘深圳前端团队负责人)

📖 北京 & 上海 & 杭州团队和业务介绍:

  • Web开发引擎从最顶层解决方案的角度,基于 Web 技术,为应用软件从无到有、持续改进和交付的全流程,提供针对各个分工和场景的工具套件,实现以真实代码和最终产品为中心的、次世代的分工协作模式和工作模式,追求 DX(开发者体验)和 UX(用户体验)的最大化,降低打造优秀软件的门槛,帮助用户更好的解决问题、满足需求和创新迭代,让有限的专业开发者能支撑比当前高几个数量级的应用开发需求。

  • 跨端解决方案 是一套用于构建用户界面的跨端框架,只关注视图层,不仅易于上手,还便于第三方库或既有项目整合,另一方面当与现代化的工具链以及各种支持类库结合使用时,它也完全能够为复杂的应用提供驱动。

  • 应用性能管理平台 基于先进的埋点技术,提供实时性强、可靠性高的应用监控能力,提供智能的用户行为洞察算法,技术+用户+业务数据结合,决策链有据可循。

  • Serverless解决方案 打造公司内 Serverless 技术标准和生态,提供面向前端团队的稳定、可靠的 Serverless 服务,包括底层 Serverless 基础能力封装及上层产品化平台解决方案。

  • Node.js Infrastructure focus on building the stable and reliable Node.js ecosystem in ByteDance.

📖 深圳团队和业务介绍:

  • ToB 商业化作为公司 2021 年的重点方向之一,对于终端基础架构团队,我们会把过去几年在字节跳动的技术积累,通过移动中台的方式,把移动研发、测试、运维、运营的一站式平台能力,整体对外输出,助力企业移动数字化转型,目前应用性能管理平台已经对外发布。

📖 广州团队和业务介绍:

  • 广州 Test Infra 团队隶属于 Client Infra 部门,负责字节跳动测试相关的基础设施建设,包括 IAAS/机架(主要是提供测试硬件设备的支持包括真机、模拟器、Linux 设备、网络设备以及定制开发的性能实验室)、PAAS/平台(基于硬件设备,对外输出平台化解决方案)、SAAS/测试服务(基于机架能力,围绕业务痛点,逐步沉淀统一、通用的测试服务,例如:稳定性测试、性能防劣化测试、专项性能测试、UI 自动化测试以及单元测试等服务),目前在机架建设和SAAS服务方面的能力,已经达到行业绝对领先的位置,未来会将这些能力通过火山引擎对外输出。

🎄 部分团队成员:

  • https://github.com/leeight (Team Leader)
  • https://github.com/dexteryy (JS Hacker, SF/F Nerd)
  • https://github.com/underfin (Vue.js Core Contributor)
  • https://github.com/Amour1688 (Vue.js Contributor)
  • https://github.com/oyyd (Node.js Core Contributor)
  • https://github.com/leizongmin (Node.js Advocate)
  • https://github.com/losfair (WebAssembly)
  • https://github.com/Brooooooklyn (Rust & https://napi.rs/)
  • https://github.com/amio
  • ….

Frontend Tech Leader

✉️ webinfra@bytedance.com / 扫码下方二维码查看职位详情

Minimum qualifications

  1. Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related field, or equivalent practical experience.
  2. 5 years of hands-on technical leadership and people management experience.
  3. Programming experience in one of the following: JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C++ or Python.
  4. Experience with developing automated internal frameworks, increasing developer and release velocity, improving code health and building developer tools.

Preferred qualifications

  1. MS or PhD in Computer Science or related degree.
  2. 10 years of relevant industry experience, with 5 years of hands-on technical leadership and people management experience.
  3. Experience in the design, implementation and delivery of scalable build/test/release infrastructure.


  1. Help build a team and cultivate innovation by driving cross-collaboration and execution of projects across multiple teams.
  2. Lead designs of major software components, systems, and features.
  3. Design, develop, test, deploy, maintain and improve the software.
  4. Mentor and train other team members on design techniques, and coding standards.
  5. Build our platforms, systems and infrastructure using your background in distributed systems and large-scale storage or networking systems.

Ideal Candidate

  1. Agile, quick self learner, highly self-motivated with strong sense of product ownership and creative problem solver.
  2. Deeply passionate about software coding/development and building great mobile/web applications.
  3. Ability to lead independent research to solve complex technical problems.
  4. Empathetic and results oriented leader and mentor.
  5. Good collaborator and team player, comfortable working in a fast moving, culturally diverse and globally distributed team environment.
  6. Professional level proficiency in written and spoken English.

Software Engineer (All levels)

✉️ webinfra@bytedance.com / 扫码下方二维码查看职位详情

Minimum qualifications

  1. Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related field, or equivalent practical experience.
  2. Experience as a Full Stack/Front End Developer.
  3. Experience working with one or more of the following programming languages: Java, JavaScript, TypeScript and/or C/C++.
  4. Experience developing or designing client-side applications.

Preferred qualifications

  1. Experience with compiled, statically typed server technologies (Java, Go).
  2. Experience with ES6 and TypeScript.
  3. Experience developing high load/high traffic user-facing software.
  4. Experience with cloud technologies.
  5. Experience with building, maintaining and optimizing responsive web apps.
  6. Linux/Unix skills.


  1. Build next generation web applications with a focus on the client side.
  2. Design and develop overall architecture of the web application.
  3. Collaborate with the rest of the engineering team to design and launch new features.

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