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2023-07-07 09:35
The smoothness, the viscosity, the liquefied..., are completely unstable physical characteristics attributable to certain elements that makes them part of extraordinary and nice features, but which on the other hand gives them a high dose of brevity and properties. All of them dependent on moisture and elasticity among others, are subject to a precise balance between light and darkness, warmth and coldness, a compound phenomenon that is not usual within the extensive expansion of the universe. Our planet is located in a point it enough distant of the Sun and it just close to it, as to have you allowed create an atmosphere that facilitates retain certain grade of humidity of way prolonged. He human being form part of that as soon as possible attached to those elements of which participates and that you give them same properties e equal features. Similarity of any other gelatinous body, it depends on a correct and stable balance between light capture, absorption of solar heat and its absence. The aging and deterioration are involved and are subordinate to the presence or absence of properties that provide liquid impregnation and flexibility. "The rigidity of our bodies and their deformation and malfunctions are therefore consistent part of the lack of this moisture and elasticity."Water is petrified into pieces of ice and loses its characteristics with an excess of cold in the same way that would happen with the heat. Our body, likewise, would not be able to survive for an extended period of time under extreme conditions of desertification without artificial means or icy cold"