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2023-07-07 12:51
In the subconscious of many intellects persists latent even the conception of Act according to the doctrine that raises it life as a circumstance transient until get the glory, participate of the paradise, dream supreme u nirvana, that so only those committed that acted with righteousness and in concordance to them postulates divine during his life earthly would achieve reach. It is certainly that behind this approach to makeup a feeling of unhappiness, dissatisfaction and displeasure with the events of diary of a tangible routine that nothing pleases, that by penance is assumed in mandatory as part of more than one test to the heavenly redemption. Refusing to accept that what is known, happens and has touched live is the only option to which is can suck not makes but reinforce this thought, proceed undoubted that allows keep live the optimal spirit of the illusion in who inevitably suffer. Live and suffer inside human sentiment are two consequences that underpin and nourish the goal of happiness. "All purpose or aspiration in its achievement requires a great deal of effort, sacrifice and suffering as a result, but as that our lives are resolved more and more comfortable, the capacity of effort and sacrifice diminishes on a generational scale, which makes us enter into insurmountable loop of continuous nonconformity." "The desire of the idyllic paradise world is the haven of peace to which our mind chooses as mitigating pill to persistent disillusionment that bitter days pass."