转载自 | 视觉算法


关键点/兴趣点(Key point/ Interest point)

HARRIS- 1988 Harris Corner Detector (Harris, Stephens)
Shi, Tomasi- 1996 Good Features to Track (Shi, Tomasi)
SIFT- 1999 Scale Invariant Feature Transform (Lowe) -None free
SURT- 2006 Speeded Up Robust Features (Bay, Tuytelaars, Van Gool) -None free
FAST- 2006 Features from Accelerated Segment Test (FAST) (Rosten, Drummond)
BRIEF- 2010 Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features (BRIEF) (Calonder, et al.)
ORB- 2011 Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB) (Rublee et al.)
BRISK- 2011 Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints (BRISK) (Leutenegger, Chli, Siegwart)
FREAK- 2012 Fast Retina Keypoint (FREAK) (Alahi, Ortiz, Vandergheynst)
KAZE- 2012 KAZE (Alcantarilla, Bartoli, Davidson)
Feature Descriptor


#include <opencv2/xfeatures2d/nonfree.hpp>
,并且需要安装OPENCV_contribute包,注意一定要在Cmake选项中开启 OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE

OPENCV Detector/Descriptor implementation
int nfeatures = 0;// The number of best features to retain.
int nOctaveLayers = 3;
// The number of layers in each octave. 3 is the value used in D. Lowe paper.
double contrastThreshold = 0.04;
// The contrast threshold used to filter out weak features in semi-uniform (low-contrast) regions.
double edgeThreshold = 10;// The threshold used to filter out edge-like features.
double sigma = 1.6;
// The sigma of the Gaussian applied to the input image at the octave \#0.
xxx=cv::xfeatures2d::SIFT::create(nfeatures, nOctaveLayers, contrastThreshold, edgeThreshold, sigma);
// Detector parameters
int blockSize = 2; // for every pixel, a blockSize × blockSize neighborhood is considered
int apertureSize = 3; // aperture parameter for Sobel operator (must be odd)
int minResponse = 100; // minimum value for a corner in the 8bit scaled response matrix
double k = 0.04; // Harris parameter (see equation for details)
// Detect Harris corners and normalize output
cv::Mat dst, dst_norm, dst_norm_scaled;
dst = cv::Mat::zeros(img.size(), CV_32FC1);
cv::cornerHarris(img, dst, blockSize, apertureSize, k, cv::BORDER_DEFAULT);
cv::normalize(dst, dst_norm, 0, 255, cv::NORM_MINMAX, CV_32FC1, cv::Mat());
cv::convertScaleAbs(dst_norm, dst_norm_scaled);
// Look for prominent corners and instantiate keypoints
double maxOverlap = 0.0; // max. permissible overlap between two features in %, used during non-maxima suppression
for (size_t j = 0; j < dst_norm.rows; j++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < dst_norm.cols; i++) {
int response = (int) dst_norm.at<float>(j, i);
if (response > minResponse) { // only store points above a threshold
cv::KeyPoint newKeyPoint;
newKeyPoint.pt = cv::Point2f(i, j);
newKeyPoint.size = 2 * apertureSize;
newKeyPoint.response = response;
// perform non-maximum suppression (NMS) in local neighbourhood around new key point
bool bOverlap = false;
for (auto it = keypoints.begin(); it != keypoints.end(); ++it) {
double kptOverlap = cv::KeyPoint::overlap(newKeyPoint, *it);
if (kptOverlap > maxOverlap) {
bOverlap = true;
if (newKeyPoint.response >
(*it).response) {
// if overlap is >t AND response is higher for new kpt
*it = newKeyPoint; // replace old key point with new one
break; // quit loop over keypoints
if (!bOverlap) {
// only add new key point if no overlap has been found in previous NMS
keypoints.push_back(newKeyPoint); // store new keypoint in dynamic list
} // eof loop over cols
} // eof loop over rows
int blockSize = 6;
// size of an average block for computing a derivative covariation matrix over each pixel neighborhood
double maxOverlap = 0.0; // max. permissible overlap between two features in %
double minDistance = (1.0 - maxOverlap) * blockSize;
int maxCorners = img.rows * img.cols / max(1.0, minDistance); // max. num. of keypoints
double qualityLevel = 0.01; // minimal accepted quality of image corners
double k = 0.04;
bool useHarris = false;
// Apply corner detection
vector<cv::Point2f> corners;
cv::goodFeaturesToTrack(img, corners, maxCorners, qualityLevel, minDistance, cv::Mat(), blockSize, useHarris, k);
// add corners to result vector
for (auto it = corners.begin(); it != corners.end(); ++it) {
cv::KeyPoint newKeyPoint;
newKeyPoint.pt = cv::Point2f((*it).x, (*it).y);
newKeyPoint.size = blockSize;
int threshold = 30; // FAST/AGAST detection threshold score.
int octaves = 3; // detection octaves (use 0 to do single scale)
float patternScale = 1.0f; // apply this scale to the pattern used for sampling the neighbourhood of a keypoint.
xxx=cv::BRISK::create(threshold, octaves, patternScale);
bool orientationNormalized = true;// Enable orientation normalization.
bool scaleNormalized = true;// Enable scale normalization.
float patternScale = 22.0f;// Scaling of the description pattern.
int nOctaves = 4;// Number of octaves covered by the detected keypoints.
const std::vector<int> &selectedPairs = std::vector<int>();
// (Optional) user defined selected pairs indexes,
xxx=cv::xfeatures2d::FREAK::create(orientationNormalized, scaleNormalized, patternScale, nOctaves,selectedPairs);
int threshold = 30;// Difference between intensity of the central pixel and pixels of a circle around this pixel
bool nonmaxSuppression = true;// perform non-maxima suppression on keypoints
cv::FastFeatureDetector::DetectorType type = cv::FastFeatureDetector::TYPE_9_16;
// TYPE_9_16, TYPE_7_12, TYPE_5_8
xxx=cv::FastFeatureDetector::create(threshold, nonmaxSuppression, type);
int nfeatures = 500;// The maximum number of features to retain.
float scaleFactor = 1.2f;// Pyramid decimation ratio, greater than 1.
int nlevels = 8;// The number of pyramid levels.
int edgeThreshold = 31;// This is size of the border where the features are not detected.
int firstLevel = 0;// The level of pyramid to put source image to.
int WTA_K = 2;
// The number of points that produce each element of the oriented BRIEF descriptor.
auto scoreType = cv::ORB::HARRIS_SCORE;
// The default HARRIS_SCORE means that Harris algorithm is used to rank features.
int patchSize = 31;// Size of the patch used by the oriented BRIEF descriptor.
int fastThreshold = 20;// The fast threshold.
xxx=cv::ORB::create(nfeatures, scaleFactor, nlevels, edgeThreshold, firstLevel, WTA_K, scoreType,patchSize, fastThreshold);
auto descriptor_type = cv::AKAZE::DESCRIPTOR_MLDB;
int descriptor_size = 0;// Size of the descriptor in bits. 0 -> Full size
int descriptor_channels = 3;// Number of channels in the descriptor (1, 2, 3)
float threshold = 0.001f;// Detector response threshold to accept point
int nOctaves = 4;// Maximum octave evolution of the image
int nOctaveLayers = 4;// Default number of sublevels per scale level
auto diffusivity = cv::KAZE::DIFF_PM_G2;
xxx=cv::AKAZE::create(descriptor_type, descriptor_size, descriptor_channels, threshold, nOctaves,nOctaveLayers, diffusivity);
int bytes = 32;
// Legth of the descriptor in bytes, valid values are: 16, 32 (default) or 64 .
bool use_orientation = false;
// Sample patterns using keypoints orientation, disabled by default.
xxx=cv::xfeatures2d::BriefDescriptorExtractor::create(bytes, use_orientation);
Descriptor Matching

绝对差之和(SAD)- L1-norm 平方差之和(SSD)- L2-norm 汉明距离 (Hamming distance)

BINARY descriptors :BRISK, BRIEF, ORB, FREAK, and AKAZE- Hamming distance HOG descriptors : SIFT (and SURF and GLOH, all patented)- L2-norm
蛮力匹配(Brute Force Matching)

BFMatching- crossCheck
Nearest neighbor distance ratio (NN)/K-nearest-neighbor(KNN)

void matchDescriptors(std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> &kPtsSource, std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> &kPtsRef, cv::Mat &descSource,cv::Mat &descRef,std::vector<cv::DMatch> &matches, std::string descriptorclass, std::string matcherType,std::string selectorType) {
// configure matcher
bool crossCheck = false;
cv::Ptr<cv::DescriptorMatcher> matcher;
int normType;
if (matcherType.compare("MAT_BF") == 0) {
int normType = descriptorclass.compare("DES_BINARY") == 0 ? cv::NORM_HAMMING : cv::NORM_L2;
matcher = cv::BFMatcher::create(normType, crossCheck);
} else if (matcherType.compare("MAT_FLANN") == 0) {
// OpenCV bug workaround : convert binary descriptors to floating point due to a bug in current OpenCV implementation
if (descSource.type() !=CV_32F) {
descSource.convertTo(descSource, CV_32F);
// descRef.convertTo(descRef, CV_32F);
if (descRef.type() !=CV_32F) {
descRef.convertTo(descRef, CV_32F);
matcher = cv::DescriptorMatcher::create(cv::DescriptorMatcher::FLANNBASED);
// perform matching task
if (selectorType.compare("SEL_NN") == 0) { // nearest neighbor (best match)
matcher->match(descSource, descRef, matches);
// Finds the best match for each descriptor in desc1
} else if (selectorType.compare("SEL_KNN") == 0) { // k nearest neighbors (k=2)
vector<vector<cv::DMatch>> knn_matches;
matcher->knnMatch(descSource, descRef, knn_matches, 2);
//-- Filter matches using the Lowe's ratio test
double minDescDistRatio = 0.8;
for (auto it = knn_matches.begin(); it != knn_matches.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)[0].distance < minDescDistRatio * (*it)[1].distance) {
Evaluating Matching Performance


FAST + BRIEF (Higher speed and relative good accuracy) BRISK + BRIEF (Higher accuracy) FAST + ORB (relatively good speed and accuracy)

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