
1 引子

Integrated arrays of storage mode detectors are suitable for application as image detectors. Under this broad classification are such applications as pattern recognition, print or photo readers , image tracking, and real-time surveillance. 存储模式检测器的集成阵列适合用作图像检测器。在这个广泛的领域下,有诸如模式识别、打印或照片浏览器、图像跟踪和实时监控等应用。

3 CMOS传感器的底层读取结构

4 卷帘快门效应

五 编码卷帘快门

SenseTime 2018-present: Mobile Photography (SensePhoto) Build and lead a R&D team of 30 people, focusing on a complete product solution named SensePhoto, which is computational photography and computational imaging on mobile phones, including super-resolution, denoising, demosaicing, HDR video, soft ISP, face image enhancement, etc. Our clients include major OEMs including Vivo, Oppo, Xiaomi, and etc. The work is a joint collaboration with major vendors (e.g., Sony, Sunny Optics, and Qualcomm).
专注于手机计算摄影与计算成像的完整产品解决方案SensePhoto,包括超分辨率、去噪、去马赛克、HDR视频、软ISP、人脸图像增强等,客户包括Vivo、Oppo、小米等主要OEM厂商,与主要厂商(如Sony、Sunny Optics、高通等)共同合作。
6 角度敏感像素结构及应用

7 事件相机、TOF、以及模拟CNN传感器

The RedEye vision sensor architecture extracts ConvNet features in the analog domain to reduce analog-digital sensor readout overhead. The architecture promotes focal plane scalability by localizing design complexity and promotes energy efficiency by analog noise admission. RedEye视觉传感器架构在模拟域中提取ConvNet特征,以减少模数传感器读出开销。该架构通过本地化设计复杂性来提高焦面可扩展性,并通过模拟噪声接纳来提高能效。

8 总结
9 参考文献
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