大卫·卡普兰 David Kaplan

联合创作 · 2024-08-09 10:36


David Kaplan,1953年3月生,理学博士,教授,博士生导师。本科1975年毕业于美国Albany大学,1979毕业于美国Syracuse大学,现任美国Tufts 大学Stern Family Endowed 终身荣誉教授, 生物医学系系主任兼化学工程系教授,(NIH)组织工程研究中心主任,在生物材料、组织工程研究领域,尤其是丝蛋白生物材料的研究领域有很深的造诣和极高的学术地位,承担多项美国国立卫生研究院、美国自然科学基金委的多项重大科研课题。在Nature杂志发表论文4篇,在Biomaterials、Biomacromolecules、Advanced Materials、Soft Materials、Tissue Engineering等高水平学术期刊发表论文400多篇,并同时担任Biomacromolecules杂志主编,Advanced Materials,Biomaterials,Tissue Engineering,Soft Materials等10多种高水平学术期刊编辑。已获得美国及世界专利20余项,并创办了三家以上高科技企业。David Kaplan教授积极与中国的科研人员展开合作,已于2011年受聘担任讲座教授,联合建立实验室,定期回国讲学并指导科研工作。


Sengupta, S., S. Park, K. Lee, D. L. Kaplan. 2010. Quantifying osteogenic cell degradation of silk biomaterials. Biomacromolecules. 11(12):3592-3599

Serban, M., D. L. Kaplan. 2010. pH sensitive ionomeric particles via chemical conjugation of silk with poly-amino acids. Biomacromolecules. 11(12): 3406-3412

Serban, M., D. L. Kaplan. 2010. Modular elastic biomaterial patches – mechanical and biological functions. Biomacromolecules. 11(9): 2230-2237

Subramanian, B., D. Rudym, C. Cannizzaro, R. Peronne, J. Zhou, D. L. Kaplan. 2010. Tissue engineered 3D in vitro models for normal and diseased kidney. Tissue Engineering Part A, 16(9): 2821-2831

Vepari, C., D. Matheson, L. Drummy, R. Naik, D. L. Kaplan. 2010. Surface modification of silk fibroin with poly(ethylene glycol) for anti-adhesion and antithrombotic applications. J. Biomedical Materials Research. 93(2): 595-606

Wang, X., T. Yucel, Q. Lu, D. L. Kaplan. 2010. Silk nanospheres and microspheres from silk PVA blend films for drug delivery. Biomaterials 31(6):1025-1035

Wang, X., L. Sun, M. V. Maffini, A. Soto, C. Sonnenschein, D. L. Kaplan. 2010. A complex 3D human tissue culture system based on mammary stromal cells and silk scaffolds for modeling breast morphogenesis and function. Biomaterials. 31(14):3920-3929

Wang, X, M. R. Reagan, D. L. Kaplan. 2010. Synthetic adipose tissue models for studying mammary gland development and breast tissue engineering. Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia. 15(3): 365-376

Yadov, V., B. J. Paniliatis, H. Shi, K. Lee, P. Cebe, D. L. Kaplan. 2010. A novel in vivo degradable cellulose-chitin copolymer from metabolically engineered Gluconacetobacter xylinus. Applied Environmental Microbiology. 76(18): 6257-6265

Yucel, T., N. Kojic, G. G. Leisk, T. J. Lo, D. L. Kaplan. 2010. Non-equilibrium silk fibroin adhesives. Journal Structural Biology 170(2):406-412

Choi, J. H., E. Bella, G. Vunjak-Novakovic, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Adiopogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells on 3D silk scaffolds. Methods Molecular Biology. 702: 319-330 Choi, J. H., E. Bellas, J. M. Gimble, G. Vunjak-Novakovic, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Lipolytic function of adipocyte/endothelial cell cocultures. Tissue Engineering Part A, 17(9-10): 1437-1444.

Choi, J. H., J. M. Gimble, G. Vunjak-Novakovic, D. L. Kaplan, 2011, Effects of hyperinsulinemia on lipolytic function of three dimensional adipocyte/endothelial co-cultures. Tissue Engineering Part C. Methods. 702:319-330

Gil, E. S., J. A. Kluge, D. N. Rockwood, R. Rajkhowa, L. Wang, X. Wang, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Mechanical improvements to reinforced porous silk scaffolds. J. Biomaterial Materials Research A. 99(1): 16-28.

Gomes, S.C, I B. Lenore, J. F. Mano, R. L. Resis, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Antimicrobial functionalized genetically engineered spider silk. Biomaterials. 32(18): 4255-4266.

Gomes, S. C., K. Numata, I. B. Lenor, J. F. Mano, R. L. Reis, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. AFM study of morphology and mechanical properties of a chimeric spider silk and bone sialoprotein for bone regeneration. Biomacromolecules 12(5): 1675-1685.

Gomes, S. C., K. Numata, I. B. Lenor, J. F. Mano, R. L. Reis, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Spider silk-bone sialoprotein fusion proteins for bone tissue engineering. Soft Matter. In press.

Guziewicz, N., A. Best, B. Perez-Ramierez, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Lyophilized silk fibroin hydrogels for the sustained local delivery of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies. Biomaterials, 32(10): 2642-2650.

Hines, D. J., D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Mechanisms of controlled release from silk fibroin films. Biomacromolecules. 12(3): 804-812

House, M., J. Daniel, K. Elstad, S. Socrate, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Oxygen tension and formation of cervical like tissue in two dimensional and three dimensional culture. Tissue Eng. Part A. Nov 1, ahead of print.

Hronik-Tupaj, M., D. L. Kaplan. 2011. A review of the responses of 2D and 3D engineered tissues to electric fields. Tissue Engineering Part B. Reviews. Nov 3, ahead of print

Hu, X., K. Shmelev, L. Sun, E.S. Gil, S. H. Park, P. Cebe, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Regulation of silk material structure by temperature controlled water vapor annealing. Biomacromolecules. 12 (5):1686-1696

Hu, X., S. H. Park, E. S. Gil, X. Xia, A. S. Weiss, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. The influence of elasticity and surface roughness on myogenic and osteogenic differentiation of cells on silk elastin biomaterials. Biomaterials. 32(34): 8979-8989.

Karve, K. A., E. S. Gil, S. P. McCarthy, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Effect of beta sheet crystalline content on mass transfer in silk films. J. Membrane Science 383(1-2):44-49.

Kluge, J., G. Leisk, R. Cardwell, A. Fernandes, A. Ward, L. Dorfmann, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Bioreactor system for biomaterial design studies utilizing real time mechanical loading control and noninvasive imaging. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 39(5): 1390-1402

Krishnaji, S. T., W. Huang, O. Rabotyagova, E. Kharlampieva, I. Choi, V. V. Tsukruk, R. Naik, P. Cebe, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Thin film assembly of spider silk like block copolymers. Langmuir 27(3): 1000-1008

Lovett, M.; G. Eng, J. A. Kluge, C. Cannizzaro, G. Vunjak-Novakovic, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Tubular silk scaffolds for small diameter vascular grafts. Organogenesis 6(40): 217-224.

Lu, Q, X. Wang, H. Zhu, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Surface immobilization of antibody on silk fibroin through conformational transition. Acta Biomaterialia. 7(7): 2782-2786.

Lu, Q., Y. Huang, M. Li, B. Zuo, S. Lu, J. Wang, H. Zhu, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Silk fibroin electrogelation mechanisms. Acta Biomaterialia. 7(6): 2394-2400.

Mandal, B. B., S. H. Park, E. S. Gil, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Multilayered silk scaffolds for meniscus tissue engineering. Biomaterials 32(2) 639-651

Mandal, B. B., S. H. Park, E. S. Gil, D. L. Kaplan, 2011. Stem cell based meniscus tissue engineering. Tissue Engineering Part A. 17(21-22): 2749-2761.

Mauney, J. R., G. M. Cannon, M. L. Lovett, E. M. Gong, D. Di Vizio, P. Gomez 3rd, D. L. Kaplan, R. M. Adam, C. R. Estrada Jr. 2011. Evaluation of gel spun silk-based biomaterials in a murine model of bladder augmentation. Biomaterials 32(3): 808-818

Mieszawska, J. J., J. G. Llamas, C. A. Vaiana, M. P. Kadakia, R. R. Naik, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Clay enriched silk biomaterials for bone formation. Acta Biomaterialia. 7(8): 3036-3041.

Nectow, A. R., K. G. Marra, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Biomaterials and the development of peripheral nerve guidance conduits. Tissue Engineering Part B, Reviews. Sep 23 ahead of print.

Numata, K., D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Differences in cytotoxicity of beta-sheet peptides originated from silk and amyloid beta. Macromolecular Bioscience 11(1): 60-64

Numata, K., D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Silk-based gene carriers with cell membrane-destabilizing peptides. Biomacromolecules. Oct 13, ahead of print

Numata, K., A. J. Mieszawska-Czajkowska, L. A. Kvenvold, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Silk-based nanocomplexes with tumor homing peptides for tumor specific gene delivery. Macromolecular Bioscience. Nov. 3, ahead of print.

Numata, K., M. R. Reagan, R. H. Goldstein, M. Rosenblatt, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Spider silk based gene carriers for tumor cell specific delivery. Bioconjugate Chemistry. 22(8): 605-1610.

Oliverira, A. L. L. Sun, H. J. Kim, X. Hu, W. Rice, J. Kluge, R. L. Reis, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Aligned silk based 3D architectures for contact guidance in tissue engineering. Acta Biomaterialia Dec 16, ahead of print.

Park, S. H., A. Tofighi, X. Wang, M. Strunk, T. Richketts, J. Chang, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Calcium phosphate combination biomaterials as human mesenchymal stem cell delivery vehicles for bone repair. J. Biomedical Materials Research B. Applied Biomaterials. 97(2): 235-244.

Park, S. H., E. S. Gil, H. Cho, B. B. Mandal, L. W. Tien, B. H. Min, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Intervertebral disk tissue engineering using biphasic silk composite scaffolds. Tissue Engineering Part A, Oct 26, ahead of print.

Park, S. H., H. Cho, E. S. Gil, B. B. Mandal, B. H. Min, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Silk fiboin hyaluronic acid composite gels for nucleus pulposus tissue regeneration. Tissue Engineering Part A, Aug 23, ahead of print.

Pritchard, E. M., T. Valentin, D. Boison, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Incorporation of proteinase inhibitors into silk-based delivery devices for enhanced control of degradation and drug release. Biomaterials 32(3): 909-918

Pritchard, E. M., D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Silk fibroin biomaterials for controlled release drug delivery. Expert Opinion Drug Delivery, 8(6): 797-811.

Qin, G., D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Silk biomaterials, in An Introduction to Biomaterials, Second Edition. In press.

Qin, G., A. Rivkin, S. Lapidot, X. Hu, I. Presis, S. B. Arinus, O. Dgany, O. Shoseyov, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Recombinant exon encoded resilins for elastomeric biomaterials. Biomaterials 32(35): 9231-9243.

Rabotyagova, O. S., P. Cebe, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Protein-based block copolymers. Biomacromolecules. 12(2): 269-289

Reagan, M. R., D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Concise Review: mesenchymal stem cell tumor-homing: detection methods in disease model systems. Stem Cells. 29(6): 920-927.

Rockwood, D. N., E. S. Gil, S. H. Park, J. A. Kluge, W. Grayson, S. Bhumiratana, R. Rajkhowa, X. Wang, S. J. Kim. G. Vunjak-Novakovic, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Ingrowth of human mesenchymal stem cells into porous silk particle reinforced silk composite scaffolds: an in vitro study. Acta Biomaterialia, 7(1): 144-151

Rockwood, C. Preda, T. Yucel, X. Wang, M. Lovett, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Materials fabrication from Bombyx mori silk fibroin. Nature Protocols 6(10): 1612-1631.

Serban, M. A., B. Panilaitis, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Silk fibroin and polyethylene glycol based biocompatible tissue adhesives. J. Biomaterials Materials Research A. 98(4): 567-575.

Sun, L., M. R. Reagan, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Role of cartilage forming cells in regenerative medicine in cartilage repair. Orthopedic Research and Reviews 2:1-10. In press.

Sun, L., X. Wang, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. A 3D cartilage inflammatory cell culture system for the modeling of human osteoarthritis. Biomaterials 32(24): 5581-5589.

Tigli, R. S., C. Cannizaro, M. Gumusderelioglu, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Chondrogenesis in perfusion bioreactors using porous silk scaffolds and hESC-derived MSCs. J. Biomedical Materials Research A 96(1): 21-28

Wang, X., D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Functionalization of silk fibroin with NeutrAvidin and biotin. Macromolecular Bioscience 11(1): 100-110

Wray, L. S., X. Hu, J. Gallego, I. Georgakoudi, F. G. Omenetto, D. Schmidt, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Effect of processing on silk-based biomaterials: reproducibility and biocompatibility. J. Biomedical Materials Research, Part B: Applied Biomaterials. 99(1): 89-101.

Xia, X., Q. Xu, X. Hu, G. Qin, D. L. Kaplan. 2011. Tunable self-assembly of genetically engineered silk-elastin-like protein polymers. Biomacromolecules. 12(11): 3844-3850.



2010 波士顿New England Baptist 医院学术委员会成员

2009 北美组织工程协会常务理事

2007 美国生物材料协会 Clemson 奖金获得者

2003 美国医学和生物工程学会常务理事

2000 Biomacromolecules杂志副总编



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