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2023-07-07 12:50
Under that point, vainly dreams is obligated to ensure the daily night rest and rests the illusion of most human beings. Somewhat jealously hosted intellect, deliciously hoped and desired, but difficult and poor outcome. It is the achievement, a goal, is relaxation and a conquest, is able to rest once treasured the merit of the retrieved. You can taste it allows you the pleasure to satisfy you for work without pressure, without saturation, just by the mere fact of the creative instinct. It is maybe cicerone, leads to many of the ports, but it can be that it is just, in mere conductor without the possible possession or belonging. "So many are ships that are guided by it and so many routes that are plotted on merit, that perhaps to see its end just be achieved."Zenith. Point of no return on the cusp. Apogee and phase of supreme achievement. Time of maturity and excellence from which takes reins turning point of all parabolic curve tending to decline, the crisis and the gradual deterioration. Separation and dispersion”.