金山科技工业有限公司2023至2024年年报联合创作 · 2024-07-30 17:00金山科技工业有限公司年报浏览1点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐 金山科技工业有限公司二零二零至二零二一年年报 1金山工業 (集團)有限公司 二零二零至二零二一年年報 The cover piece of this year’s ann%5Cual report is “Ji%5Cuzhaigo%5Cu Series #8 : Residing” by Li%5Cu K%5Cuos%5Cung, the master in Chinese pa金山科技工业有限公司二零一五至二零一六年年报 1 “Abstraction” by Mao Lizi, a famo%5Cus Chinese contemporary artist, was chosen to be the cover piece for this year’s ann%5Cual report. Mao, born in 1950, 金山科技工业有限公司二零一四至二零一五年年报 “Saddle Mo%5Cuntain” by Hong Kong-based artist Zheng Weig%5Cuo was selected to be the cover piece for this year’s ann%5Cual report. Zheng is fond of %5Cusing deli金山科技工业有限公司二零一三至二零一四年年报 Gold Peak Ind%5Custries (Holdings) Limited 金 山 工 業 ( 集 團 ) 有 限 公 司 Ann%5Cual Report 2013-2014 二零一三至二零一四年年報 Stock code : 40 “Series Desire Scenery No. 0351” 金山科技工业有限公司二零一七至二零一八年年报 1 1 “S%5Cunset at Sea” by the Hong Kong-born artist, Nancy Ch%5Cu Woo, is feat%5Cured as the cover piece of this year’s ann%5Cual report. Born in 1941, Ch%5Cu st%5Cudie金山科技工业有限公司二零一六至二零一七年年报 Ann%5Cual Report 2016 − 2017 二零一六至二零一七年年報Stock code: 40 3 1 本年度年報選刊了由上海畫家鄭重賓所 作的《四種角度的景觀》為封面。鄭氏 於 1961 年出生,現居於美國加州,在 中國及美國設有畫室。鄭氏 1984 年在 杭 州 的 中 國 美 術 學金山科技工业有限公司二零一二至二零一三年年报 1 The cover of this year’s ann%5Cual report feat%5Cures “Internet 2011” by Le%5Cung K%5Cui Ting, a Hong Kong artist who is fascinated in capt%5Curing the convol%5Cuted 金山科技工业有限公司二零一九至二零二零年年报 CONTENTS 目錄 1金山工業(集團)有限公司 二零一九至二零二零年年報 The cover piece of this year’s ann%5Cual report is "Zen Painting" by L%5Cu Sho%5Cuk%5Cun, the leading master of ink paintin金山科技工业有限公司二零一八至二零一九年年报 1 “Heavenly Dance” by Irene Cho%5Cu was chosen to be the cover piece for this year’s ann%5Cual report. The pioneering Hong Kong artist, born in Shanghai in 金山科技工业有限公司二零二二至二零二三年年报 Stock code: 40 Ann%5Cual Report 2022–2023 Gold Peak Technology Gro%5Cup Limited 二○二二至二○二三年年報 金山科技工業有限公司 Stock code: 40 金山科技工業有限公司 二○二二至二○二三年年報 CONTENTS 目錄 C点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报