ACM SIGKDD(国际数据挖掘与知识发现大会,简称 KDD)是世界数据挖掘领域的最高级别的学术会议,由 ACM 的数据挖掘及知识发现专委会(SIGKDD)主办,被中国计算机协会推荐为 A 类会议。自 1995 年以来,KDD 已经连续举办了26届。随着异构医疗数据和先进的机器学习和数据挖掘技术(特别是深度学习方法)的爆炸式发展,我们现在有机会在医疗保健领域有所作为。在本教程中,我们将介绍最先进的深度学习方法及其实际应用,特别关注于探索不同类型医疗数据的独特特征。上半部分将用于介绍挖掘结构化医疗数据方面的最新进展,包括计算表型、疾病早期检测/风险预测和治疗建议。在下半部分,我们将专注于针对非结构化医疗数据的挑战,并介绍自动化ICD编码的高级深度学习方法、可理解的医学语言翻译、临床试验挖掘和医学报告生成。本教程适用于对将深度学习方法应用到医疗保健领域感兴趣的学生、工程师和研究人员,前提知识很少。本教程将以开放式问题和问答环节结束。
https://sites.psu.edu/kdd2021tutorial/- Introduction to Electronic Healthcare Records
- Various types of EHR data
- Different applications and challenges
- Part I: Mining structured health data
- Disease detection/Risk prediction
- Part II: Mining unstructured health data
- Automated ICD coding /Disease classification
- Understandable medical language translation
- Medical report generation
- Conclusion and Future Outlook
[1] Inci M Baytas, Cao Xiao, Xi Zhang, Fei Wang, Anil K Jain, and Jiayu Zhou. 2017. Patient subtyping via time-aware lstm networks. In SIGKDD. 65–74.[2] Siddharth Biswal, Cao Xiao, Lucas M. Glass, Elizabeth Milkovits, and Jimeng Sun. 2020. Doctor2Vec: Dynamic Doctor Representation Learning for Clinical Trial Recruitment. In AAAI. 557–564.[3] Siddharth Biswal, Cao Xiao, Lucas M Glass, Brandon Westover, and Jimeng Sun. 2020. CLARA: Clinical Report Auto-completion. In The Web Conference. 541– 550.[4] Pengfei Cao, Yubo Chen, Kang Liu, Jun Zhao, Shengping Liu, and Weifeng Chong. 2020. HyperCore: Hyperbolic and Co-graph Representation for Automatic ICD Coding. In ACL. 3105–3114.