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2023-07-07 12:51
Learn from suffering is difficult to assume arduous ungrateful drink but inevitably necessary. Learn to recognize the pain and understand if the suffering was at that time the optimum means to achieve certain goals or is the vain result of a tragic and unnecessary resolutely forgettable experience, is vital consideration. The bitter experience us makes much more reflective, mature our emotions, but certainly any leaves bad flavor of mouth and surely sequels in those subject with a greater degree of sensitivity. But an of them teachings fundamental of which would of do participate to our stems would be it's get to understand that not all bad experience has of resolve is as event tragic. It would be desirable to try to shy away from the idea that those moments of mistake us affects in excess and we should understand that to improve, our only useful procedure is remember, learn from the individual and collective experience both positive and negative."All those ingredients with which life pervades us, under its own weight, fall on the human understanding and this has to know to get the most out. This jumble of experiences of all colors, shapes and flavors that are presented to us on a daily basis, have become part of the SAC that complete our knowledge. We must give positivism to each event to improve in our future. After all the enrichment staff always part of discarding that once known evaluates uncomfortable. It is no doubt that all part of the learning process must take a continuity in its optional selective exercise.""The pain is inevitable... "Suffering a choice"