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2023-07-06 14:39
Chalk and wash, 13 1/2×16 1/2 (34·5×42). Purchased from the Executors of the late E. C. Gregory (Grant-in-Aid) 1959. Coll: E.C. Gregory, purchased from the artist through the Zwemmer Gallery 1935. Exh: Zwemmer Gallery, October–November 1935 (8 or 15). Repr: Read, 1944, pl.128 a . The signature and date do not appear in the reproduction of 1944. The drawing is related to such carvings of c. 1935–6 as that reproduced in Read and Sylvester, I, 1957, p.94, No.164. Published in: Mary Chamot, Dennis Farr and Martin Butlin, The Modern British Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture , London 1964, II