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2023-07-07 12:56
He effort more prodigious and superhuman, the fatigue and the exhaustion incessant that never merman to the more insigne of them illustrious, honorable minion and carrier of virtues that inexhaustible e undaunted spreads all its vitality toward of an ideal of faith, not it of the mystical devoted, but it of that that is allows raise your spirit until caress the road of the perfection. In remote that his work will be the slab that will endure in the memory of the susceptible ones, which hold him to be attached halfway between the divine and the mortal, that their fate has brought to not stand between the dust and ash wrapped from oblivion, but good to know about the Pantheon of the elect who condescend to illustrate the way further and coming. "Allegory to the greatness of the moments of lucidity of the human spirit. Tribute to the memory of all those who were led to believe that the man, despite its triviality, is part of something big when it is able to achieve his ego does not exceed it".