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2023-07-07 12:59
The linear geometry of the cube and the edges are non-existent and impossible modeling to cosmic scale. Every object in motion within the universe Planetarium by friction, modeling, or gravitational aerodynamics shuns of geometric perfection. Planets, comets, meteorites and remains of components stellar feature with forms irregular disparate to the thoroughness linear or spherical, because despite form balls "semi-perfectas" them planets are subject to differences of pressure of force gravitational that make of their surface areas with modeling partially variable."The countdown has begun to send manned craft to the Martian surface. Now that is seeking new horizons for the future of the human species, we finally begin to think a planetary scale. In this composition the cold and empty theoretical space shows embraced by clouds like Earth, tornasoladas for a mixture of gases and light of twilight, symbolism taken on representation to new hope to find places for habitable zones outside the terrestrial space. "Can that certainly is achieved by first time under the reddish atmosphere of the planet Mars that here is has staged under a geometric structure linear closed and bathed by a light of sunset."