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2023-07-07 12:50
The pain and the suffering, product of repentance, possess their own language. A heartbroken regret stigmatizes and harasses the psyche of which installed under the premise of clumsiness is recognized incapable of remedying the damage caused. The assumed guilt has the diction of a dialogue internal and failing a visible manifestation in the form of continuous suffocation of optimism and loss of serenity, harassing the reason to the point of promoting its entry into the loop of the depression. It is the anguish and the resulting discomfort of a wrong procedure which does not release without forgiveness, is the torment of those who have guilty conscience and not understand the consequences of going against its opinion."Labyrinthine pictographs, passages and galleries of the mind, unfathomable corners in which fear and trauma silenced and repressed in the course of time rest undercover, for come the moment and without prior notice make manifest public in a sustained and persistent struggle against common sense, which makes life a unacceptable torture."