拉丁文铭文,从奥尔莫别墅, 科莫湖
共 1032字,需浏览 3分钟
2023-07-05 14:27
On this page Turner has transcribed a commemorative Latin inscription. The site and meaning of the text is unknown although it bears a date of 1815. Owing to its proximity to the sketch on folio 59 verso ( D14257 ; Turner Bequest CLXXIV 58a) it may represent the writing from the stone tablet visible in the foreground. The latter has been identified by Federico Crimi as a view of the Villa Olmo, Lake Como.
Turner’s transcription is partially indecipherable but appears to read: ‘[?R...] De B[...] Pron[...] Vallone M N[...] | ad Publicum Monum | A Pago Grumello AD Ate[...]inam Villiam | sibi, Dolciarum et Quatri Sid[...] | Pubus Omnes Comparratam | Riptessis Lecus [...] [...] | Appo[...] Mo[...] Arcum M[...] | Complimento Solo Olivis Subactus Pon[...] | Blisia[...] Excunda[...] Naposito | Ex Augusto Pra[...] Difficili | Novam [...] [...] P[...] | Suo A[...] ream Fecit | anno MDCCCXV’.
Nicola Moorby
January 2013 Read full