钜京控股有限公司二零二零年∕二零二一年第三季度业绩报告联合创作 · 2021-08-12 16:48鉅京控股有限公司年报浏览1点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐 钜京控股有限公司二零二零年/二零二一年第一季度业绩报告 * For identi�cation p%5Curpose onlyEDICO Holdings Limited 鉅京控股有限公司 * (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) Stock code : 8450 * 僅供識別钜京控股有限公司二零一九年∕二零二零年第三季度业绩报告 YO%5CuR CHOICE, O%5CuR PRIDE * For identi�cation p%5Curpose only EDICO Holdings Limited 鉅京控股有限公司 * (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) 钜京控股有限公司二零二零年∕二零二一年中期报告 * For identification p%5Curpose onlyEDICO Holdings Limited 鉅京控股有限公司 * (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) Stock code : 8450 EDICO钜京控股有限公司二零二一年∕二零二二年第三季度业绩报告 EDICO Holdings Limited 鉅京控股有限公司 * (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) Stock code : 8450 EDICO Holdings Limited 鉅京控股有限公司 * (於開曼钜京控股有限公司二零一九年/二零二零年第一季度业绩报告 YO%5CuR CHOICE, O%5CuR PRIDE * For identi�cation p%5Curpose only EDICO Holdings Limited 鉅京控股有限公司 * (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) 钜京控股有限公司二零二一年∕二零二二年第一季度业绩报告 * For identi�cation p%5Curpose only First Q%5Cuarterly Report 2021/2022 Fly to Overcome Twist & T%5Curn EDICO Holdings Limited 鉅京控股有限公司 * (Incorporated in the 钜京控股有限公司二零一八年∕二零一九年第三季度业绩报告 EDICO Holdings Limited 鉅京控股有限公司 * 股份代號:8450 EDICO Holdings Limited 鉅京控股有限公司 * (於開曼群島註冊成立之有限公司) * 僅供識別 Stock code: 8450 (Incorporated in the Cayman Isl钜京控股有限公司二零一七年╱二零一八年第三季度业绩报告 *僅供識別 EDICO Holdings Limited 鉅京控股有限公司 * Stock code: 8450 (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) Third Q%5Cuarterly Report 2017/2018 钜京控股有限公司二零一九年∕二零二零年中期报告 * For identi�cation p%5Curpose only EDICO Holdings Limited 鉅京控股有限公司 * (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) Stock code : 8450 EDICO钜京控股有限公司二零二一年∕二零二二年中期报告 中期報告 2021/2022 Wake %5Cup with determination Go to bed with satisfaction * 僅供識別 C019970 Interim Report 2021/2022 Wake %5Cup with determination Go to bed wit点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报