7个步骤详解AdaBoost 算法原理和构建流程(附代码)


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2022-08-25 10:56

来源:DeepHub IMBA


AdaBoost 是集成学习中的一个常见的算法,它模仿“群体智慧”的原理:将单独表现不佳的模型组合起来可以形成一个强大的模型。

麻省理工学院(MIT) 2021年发表的一项研究[Diz21]描述了人们如何识别假新闻。如果没有背景知识或事实的核查,人们往往很难识别假新闻。但是根据不同人的经验,通常可以给出一个对于新闻真假程度的个人见解,这通常比随机猜测要好。如果我们想知道一个标题是描述了真相还是假新闻只需随机询问100个人。如果超过50人说是假新闻,我们就把它归类为假新闻。


Boosting 是最流行的集成学习技术之一。通过建立了一组所谓的弱学习器,即性能略好于随机猜测的模型。将单个弱学习器的输出组合为加权和,代表分类器的最终输出。AdaBoost是Adaptive Boosting的缩写。自适应Adaptive 是因为一个接一个的建立模型,前一个模型的性能会影响后一个模型的建立过程。

在学习过程中,AdaBoost 算法还会为每个弱学习器分配一个权重,并非每个弱学习器对集成模型的预测都有相同的影响。这种计算整体模型预测的过程称为软投票,类似的如果每个弱学习器的结果权重相等,我们称之为说硬投票。

与Bagging(随机森林)不同,在 Bagging 中,训练的是一组相互独立的单独模型。各个模型彼此不同,因为它们是使用训练数据集的不同随机子集进行训练。随机森林就是基于这个原理,一组单独的决策树形成了集成模型的预测。

而Boosting 的训练是连续的,单个模型的模型构建过程一个接一个地进行,模型预测的准确性会影响后续模型的训练过程。本文将逐步解释 AdaBoost 算法究竟是如何做到这一点的。这些模型由弱学习器、深度为 1 的简单决策树(即所谓的“decision stumps”,我们将其翻译为决策树桩)表示。

为了更方便得逐步解释 AdaBoost 算法背后的概念,我们选择了一个常见的并且简单得数据集:成年人收入的数据集(“Adult” dataset)。

这个数据集也被称为“人口普查收入”数据集,是一个用于二元分类任务得数据集。该数据集包含描述生活在美国的人们的数据,包括性别、年龄、婚姻状况和教育等属性。目标变量区分低于和高于每年 50,000 美元的收入。

为了说明 AdaBoost 算法的工作原理,我简化了数据集,并且只使用了其中的一小部分。在本文的最后提供代码的下载。


import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("<https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/adult/adult.data>", names = ["age", "workclass", "fnlwgt", "education", "education-num", "marital-status", "occupation", "relationship", "race", "sex", "capital-gain", "capital-loss", "hours-per-week", "native-country", "income"], index_col=False)

为了详细解释算法是如何工作的,我们这里只使用 3 个简单的二进制特征:

  • 性别:男(是或否)
  • 每周工作时间:>40 小时(是或否)
  • 年龄:>50 (是或否)

 import numpy as np
# define input parameter df['male'] = df['sex'].apply(lambda x : 'Yes' if x.lstrip() == "Male" else "No") df['>40 hours'] = np.where(df['hours-per-week']>40, 'Yes', 'No') df['>50 years'] = np.where(df['age']>50, 'Yes', 'No')
# target df['>50k income'] = df['income'].apply(lambda x : 'Yes' if x.lstrip() == '>50K' else "No")
# define dataset df_simpl = df[['male', '>40 hours','>50 years','>50k income']] df_simpl = df_simpl.head(10) df_simpl



第一步,我们需要寻找一个弱学习者,它可以对我们的目标(>50k 收入)进行简单得规则判断,并且要比随机猜测要好。

AdaBoost 可以与多种机器学习算法结合使用。一般情况下我们会选择决策树作为弱学习者,这是 AdaBoost 算法最流行的方式:


为了构建出最佳性能的第一个决策树桩。我们构建能够确定数据集中最有可能区分收入高于和低于 50k 的决策树模型。





由于我们要比较根节点“男性”、“>40 小时”和“>50 年”的树桩的性能/基尼指数,我们首先计算根节点“男性”的加权 不纯度作为加权单个叶子的总和。


 def calc_weighted_gini_index(attribute, df):     '''    Args:        df: the trainings dataset stored in a data frame        attribute: the chosen attribute for the root node of the tree    Return:        Gini_attribute: the gini index for the chosen attribute    '''
d_node = df[[attribute, '>50k income']]
# number of records in the dataset (=10, for the simple example) n = len(d_node)
# number of values "Yes" and "No" for the target variable ">50k income" in the root node n_1 = len(d_node[d_node[attribute] == 'Yes']) n_2 = len(d_node[d_node[attribute] == 'No'])
# count "Yes" and "No" values for the target variable ">50k income" in each leafe # left leafe, D_1 n_1_yes = len(d_node[(d_node[attribute] == 'Yes') & (d_node[">50k income"] == 'Yes')]) n_1_no = len(d_node[(d_node[attribute] == 'Yes') & (d_node[">50k income"] == 'No')])
# right leafe, D_2 n_2_yes = len(d_node[(d_node[attribute] == 'No') & (d_node[">50k income"] == 'Yes')]) n_2_no = len(d_node[(d_node[attribute] == 'No') & (d_node[">50k income"] == 'No')])
# Gini index of the left leafe Gini_1 = 1-(n_1_yes/(n_1_yes + n_1_no)) ** 2-(n_1_no/(n_1_yes + n_1_no)) ** 2
# Gini index of the right leafe Gini_2 = 1-(n_2_yes/(n_2_yes + n_2_no)) ** 2-(n_2_no/(n_2_yes + n_2_no)) ** 2
# weighted Gini index for the selected feature (=attribute) as root node Gini_attribute = (n_1/n) * Gini_1 + (n_2/n) * Gini_2 Gini_attribute = round(Gini_attribute, 3)
print(f'Gini_{attribute} = {Gini_attribute}')
return Gini_attribute
def find_attribute_that_shows_the_smallest_gini_index(df): ''' Args: df: the trainings dataset stored in a data frame Return: selected_root_node_attribute: the attribute/feature that showed the lowest gini index '''
# calculate gini index for each attribute in the dataset and store them in a list attributes = [] gini_indexes = []
for attribute in df.columns[:-1]: # calculate gini index for attribute as root note using the defined function "calc_weighted_gini_index" gini_index = calc_weighted_gini_index(attribute, df)
attributes.append(attribute) gini_indexes.append(gini_index)
# create a data frame using the just calculated gini index for each feature/attribute of the dataset print("Calculated Gini indexes for each attribute of the data set:")
d_calculated_indexes = {'attribute':attributes,'gini_index':gini_indexes} d_indexes_df = pd.DataFrame(d_calculated_indexes)
# Find the attribute for the first stump, the attribute where the Gini index is lowest the thus the Gini gain is highest") selected_root_node_attribute = d_indexes_df.min()["attribute"]
print(f"Attribute for the root node of the stump: {selected_root_node_attribute}")
return selected_root_node_attribute
################################################################################################################ # to build the first stump we are using the orginial dataset as the train dataset # the defined functions identify the features with the highest Gini gain ################################################################################################################ df_step_1 = df_simpl selected_root_node_attribute = find_attribute_that_shows_the_smallest_gini_index(df_step_1)



AdaBoost 现在会按顺序构建“树桩”,但是 AdaBoost 的特性(也是一个问题)是:第一个“树桩”的错误会影响下一个“树桩”的建模过程。错误分类的实例在下一棵树中的权重更大,单个“树桩”的结果在集成模型中的加权程度取决于误差有多高。


在上图中已经绘制了正确和错误分类实例的数量:在预测目标变量时,构建的第一个“树桩”只有一个错误(数据集中只有一个实例是每周工作时间超过 40 小时但年收入低于 5 万)。数据集中的所有其他实例已经用这个简单的决策“树桩”正确分类。

为了计算误差值需要为数据集的每条记录引入权重。在第一个“树桩”形成之前,每个实例的权重 w 为 w=1/n,其中 n 对应于数据集的总数据大小,所有权重的总和为 1。

决策树桩产生的误差被简单地计算为“树桩”错误分类目标变量的所有样本权重的总和。这里错误分类只有一个,所以第一次运行的误差为 1/10。


 import helper_functions def calculate_error_for_chosen_stump(df, selected_root_node_attribute):     '''    Attributes:        df: trainings data set        selected_root_node_attribute: name of the column used for the root node of the stump
Return: df_extended: df extended by the calculated weights and error error: calculated error for the stump - sum of the weights of all samples that were misclassified by the decision stub ''' # add column for the sample weight, for the first step its simply defined as 1/n, so the sum of all weights is 1 df["sample_weight"] = 1/len(df) df[selected_root_node_attribute] df[">50k income"]
# in binary classification, we have two ways to build the tree. # (1) That attribute and target value show the same value or # (2) attribute and target value show the opposite value # we choose the one which shows less errors # stump_1_incorrect_v1 and stump_1_incorrect_v2 shows the prediction result of the two stumps df["stump_1_incorrect_v1"] = np.where(((df[selected_root_node_attribute] == "Yes") & (df[">50k income"] == "Yes")) | ((df[selected_root_node_attribute] == "No") & (df[">50k income"] == "No")),0,1) df["stump_1_incorrect_v2"] = np.where(((df[selected_root_node_attribute] == "Yes") & (df[">50k income"] == "No")) | ((df[selected_root_node_attribute] == "No") & (df[">50k income"] == "Yes")),0,1)
# select the stump with fewer samples misclassified if sum(df['stump_1_incorrect_v1']) <= sum(df["stump_1_incorrect_v2"]): df["chosen_stump_incorrect"] = df['stump_1_incorrect_v1'] else: df["chosen_stump_incorrect"] = df['stump_1_incorrect_v2']
# drop the columns for the two versions of the tree df = df.drop(['stump_1_incorrect_v1', 'stump_1_incorrect_v2'], axis=1)
# calculate the error by multiplying sample weight and the column chosen_stump_incorrect df["error"] = df["sample_weight"] * df["chosen_stump_incorrect"] error = sum(df["error"])
# data frame extended by the weights, errors, etc. df_extended = df
# display extended dataset display(df_extended[[selected_root_node_attribute,">50k income","sample_weight", "chosen_stump_incorrect", "error"]])
# plot calculated weights in a stacked bar-plot helper_functions.plot_weights(df_extended)
print(f'Error of the stump [{selected_root_node_attribute}] = {error}') return df_extended, error
# call function to calculate the weighted error for the selected stump df_extended_1, error = calculate_error_for_chosen_stump(df_step_1, selected_root_node_attribute)




上图左侧显示了alpha与“树桩”加权误差之间的关系。对于小错误,alpha量很大。对于较大的错误,alpha 甚至可以取负值。对于第一个树桩的误差为 0.1,所以最后计算的发言权重约为 1.1。

 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from datetime import datetime
# calculate the amount of say using the weighted error rate of the weak classifier alpha = 1/2 * np.log((1-error)/error) print(f'Amount of say / Alpha = {round(alpha,3)}')
helper_functions.plot_alpha(alpha, error)






 import math

def plot_scale_of_weights(alpha, current_sample_weight, incorrect): alpha_list = [] new_weights = []
if incorrect == 1: # adjust the sample weights for instances which were misclassified new_weight = current_sample_weight * math.exp(alpha)
# calculate x and y for plot of the scaling function and new sample weight for alpha_n in np.linspace(0, alpha * 1.5, num=100): scale = current_sample_weight * math.exp(alpha_n) alpha_list.append(alpha_n) new_weights.append(scale) else: # adjust the sample weights for instances which were classified correct new_weight = current_sample_weight * math.exp(-alpha)
# calculate x and y for plot of the scaling function and new sample weight for alpha_n in np.linspace(0, alpha * 1.5, num=100): scale = current_sample_weight * math.exp(-alpha_n) alpha_list.append(alpha_n) new_weights.append(scale)
###################################################################################################### # plot scaling of the sample weight ###################################################################################################### # change font size for matplotlib graph font = {'family': 'arial', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 15} plt.rc('font', **font)
plt.plot(alpha_list, new_weights, color='black') plt.plot(np.linspace(alpha, alpha, num=100), new_weights, color='red') plt.plot(np.linspace(0, alpha * 1.5, num=100), np.linspace(new_weight, new_weight, num=100), color='red')
plt.xlabel('Alpha / Amount of say') plt.title( f'New_weight (alpha = {round(alpha, 3)}, current_weight = {round(current_sample_weight, 3)}) = {round(new_weight, 3)}')
# define plot name and save the figure # datetime object containing current date and time now = datetime.now()
# use timestamp for file name # dd/mm/YY H:M:S dt_string = now.strftime("%d_%m_%Y_%H_%M_%S") plt.savefig(r'.\\plots\\sample_weights_' + dt_string + '.svg')
return new_weight

new_weight = plot_scale_of_weights(alpha, current_sample_weight=0.1, incorrect=1)


 def update_sample_weights(df_extended_1):         # calculate the new weights for the misclassified samples     def calc_new_sample_weight(x, alpha):         new_weight = plot_scale_of_weights(alpha, x["sample_weight"], x["chosen_stump_incorrect"])         return new_weight     df_extended_1["new_sample_weight"] = df_extended_1.apply(lambda x: calc_new_sample_weight(x, alpha), axis=1)
# define new extended data frame df_extended_2 = df_extended_1[["male", ">40 hours", ">50 years", ">50k income", "new_sample_weight"]] df_extended_2 = df_extended_2.rename(columns={"new_sample_weight": "sample_weight"}, errors="raise")
# normalize weights df_extended_2["sample_weight"] = df_extended_2["sample_weight"] * 1/df_extended_2["sample_weight"].sum() df_extended_2["sample_weight"].sum() return df_extended_2
df_extended_2 = update_sample_weights(df_extended_1)



然后选择一个介于 0 和 1 之间的随机数,并查找该数字所属的范围的bin,并将样本添加到新数据集中。重复这个过程 N 次,直到我有一个与原始数据集一大小的新数据集。

由于权重更大的样本在 0 到 1 的范围内会有更大的概率出现,因此权重更大的样本通常在新数据集中出现不止一次。在下图中可以看到:第一个错误分类的样本权重更大(此处权重为 0.5),最终在新数据集中出现的频率更高。


  • 计算所有特征的基尼系数,选择特征作为第二个“树桩”的根节点;
  • 建造第二个树桩;
  • 将加权误差计算为误分类样本的样本权重之和。

 #################################################################################### # define bins to select new instances ####################################################################################
import random df_extended_2["cum_sum_upper"] = df_extended_2["sample_weight"].cumsum() df_extended_2["cum_sum_low"] = [0] + df_extended_2["cum_sum_upper"][0:9].to_list()
#################################################################################### # create new dataset #################################################################################### new_data_set = [] for i in range(0,len(df_extended_2),1): random_number = random.randint(0, 100)*0.01
if i == 0: picked_instance = df_extended_2[(df_extended_2["cum_sum_low"]<random_number) & (df_extended_2["cum_sum_upper"]>random_number)] new_data_set = picked_instance else: picked_instance = df_extended_2[(df_extended_2["cum_sum_low"]<random_number) & (df_extended_2["cum_sum_upper"]>random_number)] new_data_set = pd.concat([new_data_set, picked_instance], ignore_index=True)


 df_step_2 = new_data_set[["male", ">50 years", ">50k income"]] selected_root_node_attribute_2 = find_attribute_that_shows_the_smallest_gini_index(df_step_2)



  1. 找到最大化基尼收益的弱学习器 h_t(x)(或者最小化错误分类实例的误差)。
  2. 将弱学习器的加权误差计算为错误分类样本的样本权重之和。
  3. 将分类器添加到集成模型中。模型的结果是对各个弱学习器结果的总结。使用上面确定的“发言权重”/加权错误率 (alpha) 对弱学习者进行加权。
  4. 更新发言权重:在加权和误差的帮助下,将 alpha 计算为刚刚形成的弱学习器的“发言权重”。
  5. 使用这个 alpha 来重新调整样本权重。
  6. 新的样本权重被归一化,使权重之和为 1
  7. 使用新的权重,通过在 0 和 1 之间选择一个随机数 N 次来生成一个新的数据集,然后将数据样本添加到表示该数据集的新数据集中。
  8. 通过新数据集训练新的弱学习器(与步骤1相同)。



对于这个简单的例子,一个 30 岁的人每周工作 42 小时,第一个预测的结果是收入高于 50k,第二个结果是收入低于 50k。

我们将收入超过 5 万的结果和收入低于 5 万的结果的权重相加。

然后比较权重的总和。在我们的例子中,第一个"树桩"的权重占主导地位,因此集成模型的预测是收入 >50k,代码如下:

 alpha_step_1 = alpha print(f"Amount of say for the first stump: {round(alpha_step_1,3)}")
alpha_step_2 = alpha_step_2 print(f"Amount of say for the second stump: {round(alpha_step_2,3)}") ########################################################################################## # Make a prediction: # Suppose a person lives in the U.S., is 30 years old, and works about 42 hours per week. ########################################################################################## # the first stump uses the hours worked per week (>40 hours) as the root node # if the regular working hours per week is above 40 hours, the stump would say that the person earns more than 50 k # otherwise, the income would be classified as below 50 k F_1 = 1 # the second stump uses the age (>50 years) as root node # if you are over 50 years old, you are more likely to have an income of more than 50 k # in this case, our second weak learner would classifier the target variable (>50 k income) as a 'Yes' or 1 # otherwise as a 'No' or 0 F_2 = 0 # calculate the result of the ensemble model F_over_50_k = alpha_step_1 * 1 + alpha_step_2 * 0 F_below_50_k = alpha_step_1 * 0 + alpha_step_2 * 1 if F_over_50_k > F_below_50_k: print("The person has an income of more than 50 k") else: print("The person has an income below 50 k")


Boosting 方法在近年来的多项数据竞赛中都取得了优异的成绩,但其背后的概念却并不复杂。通过使用简单易懂的步骤构建简单并且可解释的模型,然后将简单模型的组合成强大的学习器。


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[Kar22] Fatih Karabiber: Gini Impurity, 2022. https://www.learndatasci.com/glossary/gini-impurity/
[Kum21] Ajitesh Kumar: Hard vs Soft Voting Classifier Python Example, 2021. https://vitalflux.com/hard-vs-soft-voting-classifier-python-example/
[Koh96] Kohavi, Ronny and Becker, Barry: Adult datas set, 1996. https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/adult (CC BY 4.0)
[Wiq20] Wiqaas: Boosting a decision stump, 2020. https://github.com/wiqaaas/youtube/blob/master/Machine_Learning_from_Scratch/AdaBoosting/AdaBoosting_Decision_Tree.ipynb

作者:Dominik Polzer



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