主持人:What is the biggest competitive threat to us banks like Bank of America and US bank ,toeh equity holdings of the daily journal vorporation over ,the long term he asked , is it digital wallets like PayPal Square or Apple pay , is it Bitcoin Decentralized finance or something else.
芒格:well, I don't think I know , exactly what the future of banking is and I don't think I know what how the payment system will evolve, I do think that a properly run bank is a great contributor to civilization , and the central banks of the work world light controlling their own banking system and their own money supplies , so I don't think Bitcoin is going to end up , the medium of exchange for the world , it's too volatile serve well as a medium of exchangge, and it's really kind of an artificial substitute for gold ,and since I never buy any gold, I never buy any bitcoin and I recommend that other people follow my practice, Bitcoin reminds me of what oscar wilde sad about fox hunting ,he said it was the pursuit of the uneatable by the unspeakable .
主持人:you actually got a couple of questions from shareeholdeers about bitcoin and one follow up here,mark blakely from tesla,he asked if your opinion on crypto currencies has remained the same and what the daily journal consider a bitcoin or any other crypto currency as an asset on the balance sheet similar to what tesla recently did.
芒格:No, we will not be followingg tesla in the Bitcoin.