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2023-07-07 12:57
A huge dose of mechanization and robotics overload our processing centers in order to look for a very high quality products. Work areas in which the office seeks and guarantees the results of our work with full accuracy and precision are designed. The automation of our farms environment predispose the comfort, safety and ease of functionality of the tasks that most unpleasant we are pro enjoy and achieve a high level of comfort and improvement. But now that all our field begins to be governed and dominated by them microprocessors, piece fundamental for the achievement of what is could called the "society of the leisure", us is the has of that still there is something that not has improved and that to hard penalties fits in this vast puzzle..., them convoluted and pernicious judgments and prejudices that it mind human conceived in pos of the intolerance , that is displayed each time more archaic. "Gear imperfect".""The sophistication and degree of excellence acquired by the individual in collectivity, not is reflection comparable to the of your capacity of coexistence".