【AMA回顾 】起底BTC Defi,看Layer2 BTC PROXY 如何破局

共 10110字,需浏览 21分钟


2021-09-25 02:09




1.作为一个比特币Layer2 解决方案,BTC Proxy的初衷是什么?

As a BTC Layer2 solution,What was the original intent of BTC Proxy ?

Donnie :

The intent was to create a Bridge for Bitcoin to DeFi on Ethereum and Polygon with cheap gas fees, safe and institutional custody with a nice User interface.

其目的是在以太坊和 Polygon 上创建一个比特币到 DeFi 的桥梁,以低廉的 gas 费用,安全和机构托管,以及一个漂亮的用户界面。

There are other solutions out there and WBTC has done a great job of bringing 10B to DeFi

还有其他解决方案,WBTC 在将 10B 引入 DeFi 方面做得很好

but there are still some features that could be improved upon and we tried to accomplish that.

and we think the DeFi market is in its infancy right now and will grow much larger in the future


我们认为 DeFi 市场现在还处于起步阶段,未来会变得更大


2.与闪电网络、Liquid Network 等比特币的 Layer2 解决方案相比,BTC Proxy有何优势?

Compared to BTC Layer2 solutions such as Lightning Network、Liquid Network,What are the advantages of BTC Proxy?

Donnie :

Lighting Network and Liquid Network

these are transactional networks and that is great but they are incompatible with most of the DeFi Protocols.

这些是交易网络,这很好,但它们与大多数 DeFi 协议不兼容。

As you know most DeFi liquidity is on either ERC20 Polygon or BSC

如您所知,大多数 DeFi 流动性都在 ERC20 Polygon 或 BSC 上

In order to earn yield you need to be on either of these three because that is where the financial sector is.


The purpose is to use Bitcoin to earn yield.  With cheap gas fees and safe custody of the assets.  Right now there are many DeFi hacks especially in cross chain bridges so Bitcoin Multisig is still the safest method

目的是使用比特币来赚取收益。以低廉的gas费用和安全的资产保管。现在有很多 DeFi 黑客,尤其是在跨链桥中,所以比特币多重签名仍然是最安全的方法



3.资金安全是所有用户最为关心的问题。那么,BTC Proxy 如何确保用户的比特币的安全呢?

Security of funds is the most important concern for all users. So, how does BTC Proxy ensure the security of users' BTCs?

Donnie :

This is the most controversial topic in DeFi.

这是 DeFi 中最具争议的话题。

They aim to create purely decentralized protocols and especially for cross chain bridges but the biggest vulnerabilities and hacks have been these bridges.


600M Polynetwork  34M  Vee Finance  13M Thorchain LOST

Polynetwork  丢了600m, Vee 丢了 34m,Thorchain 丢了13m ,1m 是1百万美金

BTC Proxy is a Bridge but it uses a 3rd Party Insured and Registered Custodian with multisig wallets to ensure security

BTC Proxy 是一座桥梁,但它使用具有多重签名钱包的第 3 方受保人和注册托管人来确保安全


4.BTC Proxy 由受监管的托管机构 Hex Trust 提供保险服务,这能为用户资金提供多大程度的安全保障?

BTC Proxy is insured by Hex Trust, a regulated custodian, to what extent does this provide security for user funds?

Donnie :

Hex Trust is a registered custodian in Hongkong and Singapore and they use multisig hotwallets and cold wallets to store the BTC

Hex Trust 是香港和新加坡的注册托管人,他们使用多重签名热钱包和冷钱包来存储 BTC

transfers in and out of these wallets are insured by AON insurance.  I believe upto 150M is covered for loss or theft

进出这些钱包的转账由 AON 保险承保。可以赔付高达 150M 的损失或被盗

With BTC Proxy the user sends their BTC directly to the custodian and the protocol detects it and mints them BTCpx equivalent on ethereum or polygon token

使用 BTC Proxy,用户将他们的 BTC 直接发送给托管人,协议检测到它并在以太坊或多边形令牌上铸造等价的 BTCpx


5.BTC Proxy 推出了 Proxy (PRXY) 代币进行治理,请介绍一下Proxy (PRXY) 将在整个生态中扮演一个什么样的角色?据了解,Proxy (PRXY) 已经上线Uniswap DEX,并且将于9月24日21:00上线AscendEx交易所,接下来BTC Proxy 针对Proxy (PRXY) 还会有何举措?

BTC Proxy has launched the Proxy (PRXY) token for governance, what role will Proxy (PRXY) play in the whole ecosystem?It is alleged that Proxy (PRXY) has already listed on Uniswap DEX,and will list on AscendEx on September 24. What will BTC Proxy do next for Proxy (PRXY)?

Donnie :

The PRXY Token is the governance token of the BTC Proxy ecosystem and it is used at https://PRXY.Fi

PRXY Token 是 BTC 代理生态系统的治理代币,用于 https://PRXY.Fi

It is used as incentive for providing liquidity, for voting and governance and most importantly to stake so you can farm Bitcoin


PRXY is bridging over to Polygon next so that users can access it on the cheaper network

PROXY 下一步将桥接到 Polygon,以便用户可以在更便宜的网络上访问它

There is currently a staking farm at PRXY.FI with many more yield farms for PRXY coming

目前在 PRXY.FI 有一个 staking 农场,还有更多 PRXY 的收益农场即将到来


6.用户体验是DeFi 项目进一步发展的关键。请您介绍一下BTC Proxy 的操作原理与使用流程?

User experience is key to further development of the DeFi project. Please introduce the operation principle and use process of BTC Proxy.

Donnie :

The videos to Mint and Redeem BTCpx can be found at https://docs.btcpx.io

Mint 和 Redeem BTCpx 的视频可以在 https://docs.btcpx.io 找到

But the process is very simple you simply connect your metamask to https://app.btcpx.io

但是这个过程非常简单,您只需将您的Metamask连接到 https://app.btcpx.io

Generate a deposit address to send BTC directly to the custodian


Once the deposit is detected a BTCpx is minted and sent directly to your wallet

一旦检测到存款,就会铸造 BTCpx 并直接发送到您的钱包

There is NO gas fee needed

不需要Gas fee

Use BTCpx on PRXY.FI to generate yield

在 PRXY.FI 上使用 BTCpx 产生收益

7.在Loom、Ronin、xDai、Matic(Polygon)等侧链中,为什么BTC Proxy选择了Matic(Polygon)?

Among sidechains like Loom, Ronin, xDai, Matic (Polygon) , why did BTC Proxy choose Matic (Polygon)?

Donnie :

We have been around since 2017 and during the early days we had a developer that worked for us.

我们成立于 2017 年,在早期我们有一位为我们工作的开发人员。

He was very smart and went on to create one of the largest Layer 2 chains called Matic/Polygon

他非常聪明,创建了最大的第 2 层链之一,称为 Matic/Polygon

Yep Sandeep used to work for us and since then we have followed his development which became the native tech for BTC Proxy

是的 Sandeep 曾经为我们工作,从那时起我们就一直关注他的发展,这成为 BTC Proxy 的原生技术

Matic is also an EVM which makes it very easy to develop and integrate with other chains

Matic 也是一个 EVM,这使得开发和与其他链集成非常容易

8.一个科学的代币经济模型是所有区块链项目成功的必要条件。BTC Proxy 的代币经济模型是什么样的?能为BTC Proxy 带来什么推动作用?

A scientific token economy model is essential to the success of any blockchain project. what is BTC Proxy's token economy model ? What can it do to drive BTC Proxy?


Because we are a BTC representative we decided only to mint 21M tokens as the MAX Supply.

因为我们是 BTC 代表,所以我们决定只铸造 2100 万个代币作为 最大 供应量。

Therefore any token with such a small supply is subject to large potential increases in price due to scarcity.  Just like Bitcoin.


the MAX supply will come online after 2 years.

最大 供应将在 2 年后上线。

The scarcity can drive demand to very high prices just like Yearn Finance.

就像Yearn Finance一样,稀缺性可以将需求推高到非常高的价格。


9.技术不兼容导致比特币不能直接出现在非 BTC 区块链上,目前锚定 BTC 的方案有WBTC、renBTC、sBTC。本质上,BTCpx也是锚定比特币,并对比特币进行去中心化、代币化的处理。相比之下,BTCpx的吸引之处是什么?

Technical incompatibilities have resulted in Bitcoin not appearing directly on non-BTC blockchains, and current solutions that anchor BTC include WBTC, renBTC, and sBTC. essentially, BTCpx also anchors Bitcoin and decentralizes and tokenizes it. What is the attraction of BTCpx in comparison?


WBTC did a great job of bringing 10B to DeFi,RenBTC has done about 1B TVL

WBTC 在将 10B 引入 DeFi 方面做得很好,RenBTC做了大约1B TVL

But the reason why WBTC is so much bigger is because of its institutional custody solution which uses Bitgo Custody

但 WBTC 如此庞大的原因是因为其使用 Bitgo Custody 的机构托管解决方案

Institutional Custody allows large funds and banks to utilize the protocol because it meets their risk profiles


We are 2nd Generation tech. Our UI is state of the art and since its built on Polygon we have called gasless minting so you don’t need ETH to mint your BTCpx.

我们是第二代技术。我们的 UI 是最先进的,因为它建立在 Polygon 之上,我们称之为无气铸造,因此您不需要 ETH 来铸造您的 BTCpx。


10.空投、流动性挖矿、社区推广等都是DeFi项目的主流营销模式,BTC Proxy近期有什么市场计划?

Airdrop, liquidity mining and community promotion are the mainstream marketing modes of DeFi projects. What is BTC Proxy's recent market plan?


The plan is very simple.  Create a BTC Liquidity Pool and Yield Farm that can do 20-40% APY and put that in front of institutions.

计划非常简单。创建一个 BTC 流动性池和收益农场,可以实现 20-40% 的 APY,并将其放在机构面前。

We are aiming to do this with pools and staking on Curve and then getting an APY boost through Convex finance and then finally a 3rd Boost at PRXY.Fi

我们的目标是通过池和 Curve 来实现这一点,然后通过 Convex 金融获得 APY 提升,最后在 PRXY.Fi 获得第三次提升

Curve Pool 和 Gauge

Convex Boost

Prxy.Fi rewards

Strong stable yields for BTC will bring the Bears to the Honey

BTC 强劲的稳定收益率将把 熊带到蜂蜜

As well we aim to branch off to other chains like BSC and integrate to other Custodians like Gemini

此外,我们的目标是分支到 BSC 等其他链,并与 Gemini 等其他托管机构整合

11.有人认为,BTC 大量流入 DeFi 并非好事,因为这会减少比特币区块链上的比特币流通,您怎么看这个问题?

Some people think that the massive flow of BTC into DeFi is not good because it will reduce the circulation of bitcoins on the bitcoin blockchain, what do you think about this?


Yes it might make BTC even more scarce because it takes the BTC out of circulation

是的,它可能会使 BTC 更加稀缺,因为它使 BTC 退出流通

but the beauty of it is that the value is simply transferred to another chain


the owner of BTCpx can pull their BTC out of DeFi anytime.

BTCpx 的所有者可以随时从 DeFi 中取出他们的 BTC

and we are well positioned because we have one of the best institutional bridges on the market






twitter  https://twitter.com/BTC_proxy

Telegram https://t.me/BTC_Proxy

联合出品:BTC PROXY & Ascend 顶峰 & GooseDAO


【GooseAMA】9月24日 Pledge 通过金融 NFT 重新制定 defi 游戏规则

【AMA回顾 】走进NFT卡牌游戏—— CryptoEmpire

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【每日波卡活动】 2021-04-21

GooseDAO AMA 系列日历(欢迎联系预约,Vx:ywsxiao)

9.24 通过金融 NFT 重新制定 defi, Pledge 

9.24 BTC Defi 如何破局BTC PROXY 

9.09 Gamefi NFT项目 CryptoEmpire

5.24 波卡第一梯队项目 Bifrost

5.13 明星跨链O3 Swap

5.10 衍生品EX Globe

4.30 BSC TheForce.Trade


4.27 波卡NFT项目 NFTMart

4.23 区块链网络安全 HAPI

3.25 波卡预言机 Ares

3.18 币安 Dexe

2.29 以太坊Defi YIELD

2.07 币安 Conflux

1.29 币安 Linear



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