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2023-07-07 12:50
Championed human suffering, of pleasant and unpleasant, suffering unique relief of tensions and witness covered by the emotions of a life, everything is contained in the interior of a tear. Maximum expression of the happiness and extreme manifestation of the pain, each drop that our body exhales cries by narrating part of an event, part of them stories that form the all of a biography. A drop customize and identifies the history of an individual. If we ruling part of our time to compile and store all ocular exudations strewn along the journey of life in a container, we would complete the detailed schema of human passion and solve its regret in commiseration. "Retains Teardrop in memory all the accumulated feeling of the passage of the years, when spilled in youth is given NET, more heartfelt and less contained, at maturity strength be more restrained but at its maximum exclaim tormented."Drops salty translucent and transparent, full of resignation, hate, pain, temperance, joy, love and passion. "Never before were able to understand in better way this fluid but as an excellent transmitter of feelings and sensations, all them as different as contradictory."