Plúrimo (2017)
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2023-07-07 12:55
Variety and disparity. The heterogeneous formalizes a basic premise that characterizes the qualifier of the human. Each person gets their inalienable practice throughout the transit of his life a peculiar sense of reality, shared to a greater or lesser extent with the others, but in your case subjective. That evidence, summary or portion, in none of the cases it constitutes a reality unlike nor contradictory to that of the rest of subjects very uneven as it may seem, reflects only the fragment of a whole, an undivided circumstances attached to the condition and environment of each individual. Prejudge about which one participates in a harsher reality... in fact does not have any sense, because no individual has this quality and all at the same time are part of it. Is the sum of the set which establishes a complete idea of the real.“The concept of the real and the reality is not absolute, is home to the probability of very different interpretations and concepts.""Life summarized in the portion of veracity that an individual obtains the image coming through a window frame attenuated through the filter of a few curtains on the inside of your home, would be similar to the story of the parable of the cavern of Plato. Audiovisual media insiders "share" seeking the human curiosity, distort intentionally reality with information in the most tragic part, impregnating the subconscious of a feeling evil, pernicious and unsure of our way of life"