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2023-07-07 12:54
He State of Overdrive, tension, agitation and alteration with that is coexists daily seeks not less that a predisposition to spray, coil, dishearten, beat and in final to install is low a condition individual defensive and destructive. It expensive tribute that is pays by achieve the competitiveness and overcoming constant causes an alteration physical of stress that us placed in an incessant safeguard to possible attacks and threats external. "Is establishes a discipline latent in our psyche by which is stipulated that all what us surrounds" priori "is potentially dangerous and as result of this so only relaxed and extra limit our security within the environment of a narrow circle daily."The mass or people is somewhat overly powerful, evil born you can do enliven a huge grotesque of wickedness and cruelty of difficult Faculty of domain once it explodes in anger. When this pressure cooker, is agitated when we uncork the poison of the tension and all the machinery of the popular race starts rolling, already there are selective filters that prevent evade innocent victim whatever crosses his path".