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2023-07-07 12:55
Try to understand or "get in the skin of another", have the sensitivity needed to become capable of approaching the sentimental position in which the alien acts, is a correct definition of empathy. But this term is not only limited to a definition. The best way to get a full understanding of our environment, even more remote that possibly can that we never get to experience by ourselves, part of assimilating and the experiences that different people have lived as their own and that takes part in the achievement of reaching an affinity that keep us close to the feelings of others. However the coldness, the individualism and the self-centeredness with which is interacts in them relations human within them environments urban gives place to believe that that empathy is fazed and is numbed, loses all the amplitude of its sense in the moment that is makes necessary disconnect of them concerns and setbacks that them occupations daily us truck. Affective participation in the feelings of another person us sympathizes with her but may cause an excessive overload of adverse emotional situations that will probably prove to be a problem if they are taken as personal.""He sinking moral and the understanding affective is merged, for together support is and make facing the unfavorable situations that is make gross along the road."