angular-web-notificationWeb Notifications AngularJS Service

联合创作 · 2023-09-21 06:47


NPM Version CI Coverage Status Known Vulnerabilities Inline docs License

Web Notifications AngularJS Service


The angular-web-notification is an angular service wrapper for the web notifications API.

It is using the simple-web-notification library which provides a simple and easy notification API which works across browsers and provides automatic permission handling.

See W3 Specification and simple-web-notification for more information.

Angular 2 and Up

For angular 2 and above, it is recommanded to use the simple-web-notification library directly.
It provides the same API and it is not dependend on angular.


Live Demo


In order to use the angular service you first must add the relevant dependencies:

<script type="text/javascript" src="angular.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="simple-web-notification/web-notification.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="angular-web-notification.js"></script>

Next you must define it as a dependency in your main angular module as follows:

angular.module('exampleApp', [

Now you can inject and use the service into your modules (directives/services/...), for example:

angular.module('exampleApp').directive('showButton', ['webNotification', function (webNotification) {
return {
    link: function (scope, element) {
        element.on('click', function onClick() {
            webNotification.showNotification('Example Notification', {
                body: 'Notification Text...',
                icon: 'my-icon.ico',
                onClick: function onNotificationClicked() {
                    console.log('Notification clicked.');
                autoClose: 4000 //auto close the notification after 4 seconds (you can manually close it via hide function)
            }, function onShow(error, hide) {
                if (error) {
                    window.alert('Unable to show notification: ' + error.message);
                } else {
                    console.log('Notification Shown.');

                    setTimeout(function hideNotification() {
                        console.log('Hiding notification....');
                        hide(); //manually close the notification (you can skip this if you use the autoClose option)
                    }, 5000);

In case you wish to use service worker web notifications, you must provide the serviceWorkerRegistration in the options as follows:

//Get the service worker registeration object at the startup of the application.
//This is an aysnc operation so you should not try to use it before the promise is finished.
var serviceWorkerRegistration;
navigator.serviceWorker.register('service-worker.js').then(function(registration) {
    serviceWorkerRegistration = registration;

//when setting on even handlers in different areas of the application, use that registration object instance (must be done after the registration is available)
element.on('click', function onClick() {
    webNotification.showNotification('Example Notification', {
        serviceWorkerRegistration: serviceWorkerRegistration,
        body: 'Notification Text...',
        icon: 'my-icon.ico',
        actions: [
                action: 'Start',
                title: 'Start'
                action: 'Stop',
                title: 'Stop'
        autoClose: 4000 //auto close the notification after 4 seconds (you can manually close it via hide function)
    }, function onShow(error, hide) {
        if (error) {
            window.alert('Unable to show notification: ' + error.message);
        } else {
            console.log('Notification Shown.');

            setTimeout(function hideNotification() {
                console.log('Hiding notification....');
                hide(); //manually close the notification (you can skip this if you use the autoClose option)
            }, 5000);


Run npm install in your project as follows:

npm install --save angular-web-notification

Or if you are using bower, you can install it as follows:

bower install angular-web-notification --save


The web notifications API is not fully supported in all browsers.

Please see supported browser versions for more information on the official spec support.

API Documentation

See full docs at: API Docs


See contributing guide

Release History

Date Version Description
2020-05-13 v2.0.1 Revert bower.json deletion but not use it in CI build
2020-05-11 v2.0.0 Migrate to github actions, upgrade minimal node version and remove bower
2019-02-08 v1.2.31 Maintenance
2017-08-25 v1.2.24 Document support of service worker web notifications
2017-01-22 v1.2.0 Split the internal web notification API into a new project: simple-web-notification
2016-11-23 v1.0.19 Use forked version of html5-desktop-notifications in order to resolve few issues
2016-11-04 v1.0.16 Upgrading to html5-desktop-notifications 3.0.0
2016-09-10 v1.0.6 Default to website favicon.ico if icon not provided in options
2016-09-07 v1.0.4 Callback is now optional
2016-06-14 v0.0.78 Published via NPM (in addition to bower)
2016-03-08 v0.0.65 Added webNotification.permissionGranted attribute
2015-09-26 v0.0.31 Update bower dependencies
2015-09-26 v0.0.30 Added 'onClick' option to enable adding onclick event handler for the notification
2015-08-16 v0.0.22 uglify fix
2015-02-16 v0.0.7 Automatic unit tests via karma
2015-02-05 v0.0.5 Doc changes
2014-12-09 v0.0.3 API now enables/disables the capability to automatically request for permissions needed to display the notification.
2014-12-08 v0.0.2 Initial release


Developed by Sagie Gur-Ari and licensed under the Apache 2 open source license.

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