F#是由微软发展的为微软.NET语言提供运行环境的程序设计语言,是函数编程语言(FP,Functional Programming),函数编程语言最重要的基础是Lambda Calculus。它是基于OCaml的,而OCaml是基于ML函 数程式语言。有时F# 和 OCaml 的程式是可以交互编译的。
F#已经接近成熟,支援Higher-Order Function、Currying、Lazy Evaluation、Continuations、Pattern Matching、Closure、List Processing、Meta-Programming。这是一个用于显示.NET在不同编程语言间互通的程序设计,可以被.NET中的任意其它代码编 译和调用。
F#将被集成在Visual Studio 2010中,含有对.Net Framework的完全支持。
(* This is a comment *) (* Sample hello world program *) printf "Hello World!"
#light open Microsoft.FSharp.Collection.List (* print a list of numbers recursively *) let rec printlist l = (* When using "#light", you must indent with 4 spaces *) if l = [] then else printf "%d\n" (nth l 0) printlist (tl l)
#light (* Sample Windows Forms Program *) (* We need to open the Windows Forms library *) open System.Windows.Forms (* Create a window and set a few properties *) let form = new Form(Visible=true, TopMost=true, Text="Welcome to F#") (* Create a label to show some text in the form *) let label = let temp = new Label() let x = 3 + (4 * 5) (* Set the value of the Text*) temp.Text <- x (* Remember to return a value! *) temp (* Add the label to the form *) do form.Controls.Add(label) (* Finally, run the form *) do Application.Run(form)