anvil-build 是一个管道内容并行构建系统,提供了丰富的可扩展构建文件格式和内置规则。同时采取许多概念,比如谷歌内部构建系统的文件语法规则,来缓解管道的建设内容。通常它用来填补大型游戏鲁棒性中内容管道缺乏这一空白,能够让开发人员构建更加高效的、跨浏览器的应用程序。
Parallelizable build process
Eventually distributed
Rich build files (Python-like)
Tiny environment, very few assumptions or dependencies
Build files are generally WYSIWYG, with no hidden state or behavior
Continuous build server and hosting mode
Easy to build live-refresh pages and content
Dependency management for rule types
Make it simple to checkout and build projects that depend on custom tools or packages
Extensible rule definitions
Simple Python to add custom data formats or actions