SharpWebMail 是一个用 ASP.NET 开发的Webmail系统,支持 POP3和IMAP邮件系统和SMTP发件,配置简单。
- 配置简单
- 多协议支持 POP3、IMAP、SMTP
- 速度快
- 基于邮件服务器的认证机制
- 支持发件认证
- 可视化HTML邮件编写 (FCKeditor)
- 支持多附件收发
- It is possible to attach a file that we have received in other message without downloading it (with the obvious save in bandwidth and time).
- Reads MIME messages (provided by SharpMimeTools, project born because I needed an open source mime decoder).
- (Optional) Multiple Address books based on fully configurable datasources (ldap, oledb, odbc, ...). It can be read-only or read/write (with import/export capabilities).
- Is possible to sort the inbox elements by number, sender, subject, date and size (ascending and descending) .
- Search the inbox by subject and sender.
- 多语言支持
- XP look & feel.
- Tested with IE6 and Mozilla FireFox (1.0.7), but it should work with other versions.
- Simple sanitization of html content.