JimpJavaScript 编写的图像处理库
Jimp 是一个使用 JavaScript 编写的用于 Node 的图像处理库,具有零依赖的特性。
npm install --save jimp
var Jimp = require("jimp"); // open a file called "lenna.png" Jimp.read("lenna.png", function (err, lenna) { if (err) throw err; lenna.resize(256, 256) // resize .quality(60) // set JPEG quality .greyscale() // set greyscale .write("lena-small-bw.jpg"); // save });
Jimp.read("./path/to/image.jpg").then(function (image) { // do stuff with the image }).catch(function (err) { // handle an exception });
/* Resize */ image.contain( w, h[, alignBits || mode, mode] ); // scale the image to the given width and height, some parts of the image may be letter boxed image.cover( w, h[, alignBits || mode, mode] ); // scale the image to the given width and height, some parts of the image may be clipped image.resize( w, h[, mode] ); // resize the image. Jimp.AUTO can be passed as one of the values. image.scale( f[, mode] ); // scale the image by the factor f image.scaleToFit( w, h[, mode] ); // scale the image to the largest size that fits inside the given width and height // An optional resize mode can be passed with all resize methods. /* Crop */ image.autocrop([tolerance, frames]); // automatically crop same-color borders from image (if any), frames must be a Boolean image.crop( x, y, w, h ); // crop to the given region /* Flip and rotate */ image.flip( horz, vert ); // flip the image horizontally or vertically image.mirror( horz, vert ); // an alias for flip image.rotate( deg[, mode] ); // rotate the image clockwise by a number of degrees. Optionally, a resize mode can be passed. If `false` is passed as the second parameter, the image width and height will not be resized. image.exifRotate(); // JPEG images with EXIF orientation data will be automatically re-orientated as appropriate.