Facebook PANDA属性分类系统
PANDA (Pose-Aligned Networks for Deep Attibute) 是使用深层神经网络的属性分类系统。此项目由 Ning Zhang, Manohar Paluri, Marc'Aurelio Ranzato, Trevor Darrell 和 Lubomir Bourdev 创建,依赖于 Caffe。
@inproceedings{ZhangCVPR14, Author = {Zhang, Ning and Paluri, Manohar and Rantazo, Marc'Aurelio and Darrell, Trevor and Bourdev, Lubomir}, Title = {PANDA: Pose Aligned Networks for Deep Attribute Modeling}, Booktitle = {Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, Year = {2014} }