Peak Performance

联合创作 · 2023-10-05 09:10

"A transfixing book on how to sustain peak performance and avoid burnout" ― Adam Grant, New York Times bestselling author of Option B, Originals, and Give and Take

"An essential playbook for success, happiness, and getting the most out of ourselves." ― Arianna Huffington, author of Thrive and The Sleep Revolution

"I doubt anyone can read Peak Performance without itching to ap...

"A transfixing book on how to sustain peak performance and avoid burnout" ― Adam Grant, New York Times bestselling author of Option B, Originals, and Give and Take

"An essential playbook for success, happiness, and getting the most out of ourselves." ― Arianna Huffington, author of Thrive and The Sleep Revolution

"I doubt anyone can read Peak Performance without itching to apply something to their own lives." ― David Epstein, New York Times bestselling author of The Sports Gene

A few common principles drive performance, regardless of the field or the task at hand. Whether someone is trying to qualify for the Olympics, break ground in mathematical theory or craft an artistic masterpiece, many of the practices that lead to great success are the same. In Peak Performance, Brad Stulberg, a former McKinsey and Company consultant and writer who covers health and the science of human performance, and Steve Magness, a performance scientist and coach of Olympic athletes, team up to demystify these practices and demonstrate how everyone can achieve their best.

The first book of its kind, Peak Performance combines the inspiring stories of top performers across a range of capabilities - from athletic, to intellectual, to artistic - with the latest scientific insights into the cognitive and neurochemical factors that drive performance in all domains. In doing so, Peak Performance uncovers new linkages that hold promise as performance enhancers but have been overlooked in our traditionally-siloed ways of thinking. The result is a life-changing book in which readers learn how to enhance their performance via myriad ways including: optimally alternating between periods of intense work and rest; priming the body and mind for enhanced productivity; and developing and harnessing the power of a self-transcending purpose.

In revealing the science of great performance and the stories of great performers across a wide range of capabilities, Peak Performance uncovers the secrets of success, and coaches readers on how to use them. If you want to take your game to the next level, whatever "your game" may be, Peak Performance will teach you how.

布拉德·斯图尔伯格(Brad Stulberg),斯图尔伯格对健康和表现的科学兴趣浓厚。他是《户外》杂志和《纽约》杂志的专栏作家,还为《福布斯》《洛杉矶时报》《跑者世界》和《哈佛公共卫生评论》写文章。他擅长将最新科学发现与引人入胜的个人故事相结合,为读者提供实用的建议 。

史蒂夫·马格内斯(Steve Magness),马格内斯为一些世界顶级长跑运动员担任教练,曾为许多参加奥运会与世锦赛的运动员提供指导,一直走在体育界理论创新的前沿。他在圣玛丽大学力量与调节专业任兼职教授,也是《跑者世界》《纽约时报》《纽约客》《华尔街日报》《ESPN》杂志和英国广播公司的特邀专家,著有《跑步的科学》(The Science of Running)。

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