Contemporary Translation Theories
From 1970 through to the beginning of the new millennium, the field of translation has exploded with multiple new theories. "Contemporary Translation Theories" examines five new approaches - the translation workshop, the science of translation, translation studies, polysystem theory, and deconstruction - all of which began in the mid-1960s and continue to be influential.
埃德温·根茨勒:阿默斯特马萨诸塞大学(University Of Massachusertts Amherst)翻译中心主任、比较文学副教授。著述颇丰,同玛丽亚·提莫志克(Maria Tymoczko)合编了《翻译与权力》(Translation and Power)一书;同苏珊·巴斯内徨一起合著了关于多语种翻译系列丛书。同时还是几种杂志,如Metamorphoses,Across以及Cadernosde Traduco的编委会成员。