A Case of Conscience
Father Ruiz-Sanchez is a dedicated man--a priest who is also a scientist, and a scientist who is also a human being. He has found no insoluble conflicts in his beliefs or his ethics . . . until he is sent to Lithia. There he comes upon a race of aliens who are admirable in every way except for their total reliance on cold reason; they are incapable of faith or belief.
Father Ruiz-Sanchez is a dedicated man--a priest who is also a scientist, and a scientist who is also a human being. He has found no insoluble conflicts in his beliefs or his ethics . . . until he is sent to Lithia. There he comes upon a race of aliens who are admirable in every way except for their total reliance on cold reason; they are incapable of faith or belief.
Confronted with a profound scientific riddle and ethical quandary, Father Ruiz-Sanchez soon finds himself torn between the teachings of his faith, the teachings of his science, and the inner promptings of his humanity. There is only one solution: He must accept an ancient and unforgivable heresy--and risk the futures of both worlds . . .
詹姆斯·布利什很早就接触并喜欢科幻小说,九岁时写了第一篇科幻故事,中学时加入著名科幻迷社团“月球居民”(艾萨克·阿西莫夫也是该社团成员之一)。布利什曾加入美国陆军并担任医官,第二次世界大战结束后,他很快成为一名职业科幻作家。1958年,布利什的长篇小说《事关良心》获得世界科幻大奖雨果奖(该作于2004年再获雨果回顾奖);1956 ~ 1959年间创作的“飞城”系列,后被美国科幻作家协会评选为1965年前的最佳小说之一。2002年,詹姆斯·布利什入列“科幻奇幻名人堂”。