Political Emotions

联合创作 · 2023-10-02 21:45

How can we achieve and sustain a "decent" liberal society, one that aspires to justice and equal opportunity for all and inspires individuals to sacrifice for the common good? In this book, a continuation of her explorations of emotions and the nature of social justice, Martha Nussbaum makes the case for love. Amid the fears, resentments, and competitive concerns that are endem...

How can we achieve and sustain a "decent" liberal society, one that aspires to justice and equal opportunity for all and inspires individuals to sacrifice for the common good? In this book, a continuation of her explorations of emotions and the nature of social justice, Martha Nussbaum makes the case for love. Amid the fears, resentments, and competitive concerns that are endemic even to good societies, public emotions rooted in love--in intense attachments to things outside our control--can foster commitment to shared goals and keep at bay the forces of disgust and envy. Great democratic leaders, including Abraham Lincoln, Mohandas Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr., have understood the importance of cultivating emotions. But people attached to liberalism sometimes assume that a theory of public sentiments would run afoul of commitments to freedom and autonomy. Calling into question this perspective, Nussbaum investigates historical proposals for a public "civil religion" or "religion of humanity" by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, August Comte, John Stuart Mill, and Rabindranath Tagore. She offers an account of how a decent society can use resources inherent in human psychology, while limiting the damage done by the darker side of our personalities. And finally she explores the cultivation of emotions that support justice in examples drawn from literature, song, political rhetoric, festivals, memorials, and even the design of public parks. "Love is what gives respect for humanity its life," Nussbaum writes, "making it more than a shell." "Political Emotions" is a challenging and ambitious contribution to political philosophy.

玛莎· C .努斯鲍姆( Martha C . Nussbaum )芝加哥大学法学与伦理学恩斯特·弗罗因德杰出贡献教授( the Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics )。自1978年以来,已出版20余部专著,主编21部著作,并发表500余篇文章。这些著作与文章涵盖文学、伦理学、政治哲学、女性主义等诸多领域,在英美乃至全球的学术界都产生了极大影响,为努斯鲍姆赢得了极高的荣誉,她由此获得了来自美洲、欧洲、亚洲等的诸多学校与机构的63个荣誉学位,以及京都艺术与哲学奖( Arts and Philosophy Kyoto Prize ,2016年)、伯格鲁根哲学与文化奖( Berggruen Prize for Philosophy and Culture ,2018年...

玛莎· C .努斯鲍姆( Martha C . Nussbaum )芝加哥大学法学与伦理学恩斯特·弗罗因德杰出贡献教授( the Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics )。自1978年以来,已出版20余部专著,主编21部著作,并发表500余篇文章。这些著作与文章涵盖文学、伦理学、政治哲学、女性主义等诸多领域,在英美乃至全球的学术界都产生了极大影响,为努斯鲍姆赢得了极高的荣誉,她由此获得了来自美洲、欧洲、亚洲等的诸多学校与机构的63个荣誉学位,以及京都艺术与哲学奖( Arts and Philosophy Kyoto Prize ,2016年)、伯格鲁根哲学与文化奖( Berggruen Prize for Philosophy and Culture ,2018年)和霍尔伯格奖( Holberg Prize ,2021年)等奖项。2016年,努斯鲍姆被美国教育网站 The Best Schools 评为"全球在世最有影响的50位哲学家"之一。

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