The Emperor's Snuff-Box联合创作 · 2023-10-07 13:47约翰•狄克森•卡尔(1906-1977) 史上最伟大的推理小说作家之一,举世公认的“密室推理之王”。其小说素以公平著称,线索隐蔽,解答惊人,具有超乎寻常的逻辑性、趣味性。他一生共设计了超过五十种密室,几乎每个都是构思精巧、无以复加;又兼其小说一贯具有的浓郁哥特风格,以及其谋篇布局的架构能力之强,自会让读者大呼过瘾,竞相传读。读推理,岂能不读密室;读密室,岂能不读卡尔!浏览 2点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享 编辑 分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐 The Emperor's Snuff-BoxThe Emperor's Snuff-Box0The Mudical Snuff-BoxThe Mudical Snuff-Box0The Emperor's Nightingale: The Emperor's MarchThe Emperor's Nightingale: The Emperor's March0The Emperor's Nightingale: II. In the Emperor's Palace - The Emperor's MarchThe Emperor's Nightingale: II. In the Emperor's Palace - The Emperor's March0Waltz-Joke "Musical Snuff-Box"Waltz-Joke "Musical Snuff-Box"0The Musical Snuff-Box (Remastered)The Musical Snuff-Box (Remastered)0The Musical Snuff-Box, Op. 32The Musical Snuff-Box, Op. 320The Emperor's SoulThe Emperor's Soul0It's Hard to Be the EmperorIt's Hard to Be the Emperor0The Emperor's WifeThe Emperor's Wife0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享 编辑 分享 举报