The Art of Thinking
<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" soNormal>Accessible and engaging, this unique text offers strategies for critical and creative thinking and includes many opportunities for practicing these fundamental skills. It will help readers think “outside the box” and to become more effective writers, speakers, and communicators.</P> <P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" soNormal> </P> <P styl...
<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" soNormal>Accessible and engaging, this unique text offers strategies for critical and creative thinking and includes many opportunities for practicing these fundamental skills. It will help readers think “outside the box” and to become more effective writers, speakers, and communicators.</P> <P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" soNormal> </P> <P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" soNormal> Helps readers think “outside the box” and to become more effective writers, speakers, and communicators. “Be Aware,” “Be Creative,” “Be Critical,” and “Communicate Your Ideas.” Anyone interested in learning new ways to think.</P>
文森特•赖安•拉吉罗(Vincent Ryan Ruggiero),美国纽约州立大学德里分校荣休教授,国际公认的“使思考课程成为教育的重点”运动的先驱。开始教学生涯前,拉吉罗教授是一个社会工作者和工业工程师。在作为工程师的四年里,他花了大量的时间进行研究,改进了工作的方法、设备及布局,建立起标准的成本计划分析。这一经历帮助促使他形成了在创造性、批判性思考方面的独特视角。