The Luxury Strategy
Luxury is in fashion and is now to be found in almost every retail, manufacturing and service sector. New terms like "mass-luxury," "new luxury" and "hyper luxury" attempt to qualify luxury. But if everything is luxury then surely the term itself has no meaning! There is confusion today about what really makes a luxury product, a luxury brand or a luxury company. The Luxur...
Luxury is in fashion and is now to be found in almost every retail, manufacturing and service sector. New terms like "mass-luxury," "new luxury" and "hyper luxury" attempt to qualify luxury. But if everything is luxury then surely the term itself has no meaning! There is confusion today about what really makes a luxury product, a luxury brand or a luxury company. The Luxury Strategy analyses in depth the essence of luxury, highlights its managerial implications and rationalizes the highly original methods – often very far from the usual marketing strategies – used to transform small family businesses such as Ferrari, BMW, Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Chanel, Armani or Ralph Lauren into worldwide successes. The Luxury Strategy clarifies the difference between "premium," "fashion," and "luxury," and sets out the counter-intuitive rules for successfully marketing luxury goods and services. Luxury experts Jean-Noel Kapferer and Vincent Bastien provide the first rigorous blueprint for effectively managing luxury brands and companies at the highest level, including human resources and financial management. Finally, The Luxury Strategy unveils how in any market, including B to B, a company can learn from luxury strategies to differentiate itself profitably.
Vincent Bastien
奢侈品行业经验最丰富的资深管理者,在过去的25年里,他一直在首席执行官/总经理的位置上任职,包括奢侈品行业——在LV担任总经理6年、赛诺菲集团(Sanofi)美妆部门的总经理3年(管理的品牌包括圣罗兰、Nina Ricci、Yves Rocher和Sanofi Beauté),及B2B 行业(玻璃制品和印刷业)。同期,他也管理自己的成衣公司。目前在巴黎高等商学院担任客座教授,教授奢侈品战略。他是巴黎理工大学、巴黎高等商学院、斯坦福商学院的校友。
Jean-Noel Kapferer
品牌管理领域的最著名的专家,其最新畅销著作《最新战略品牌管理》(The New Strategic Brand Management)是国际MBA为顶级市场管理者指定的参考书。 Kapferer在巴黎高等商学院(HEC)欧洲奢侈品研究中心任...
Vincent Bastien
奢侈品行业经验最丰富的资深管理者,在过去的25年里,他一直在首席执行官/总经理的位置上任职,包括奢侈品行业——在LV担任总经理6年、赛诺菲集团(Sanofi)美妆部门的总经理3年(管理的品牌包括圣罗兰、Nina Ricci、Yves Rocher和Sanofi Beauté),及B2B 行业(玻璃制品和印刷业)。同期,他也管理自己的成衣公司。目前在巴黎高等商学院担任客座教授,教授奢侈品战略。他是巴黎理工大学、巴黎高等商学院、斯坦福商学院的校友。
Jean-Noel Kapferer
品牌管理领域的最著名的专家,其最新畅销著作《最新战略品牌管理》(The New Strategic Brand Management)是国际MBA为顶级市场管理者指定的参考书。 Kapferer在巴黎高等商学院(HEC)欧洲奢侈品研究中心任教,著有十多部著作,并发表过上百篇研究文章,堪称品牌研究领域的一位有思想的领导者。在咨询领域,他为许多大品牌提供咨询服务,担任董事和顾问,经常在中国、日本、韩国、印度和美国等地为为企业高管培训。他拥有美国西北大学的博士学位。