No, David!
When author and artist David Shannon was five years old, he wrote a semi-autobiographical story of a little kid who broke all his mother's rules. He chewed with his mouth open (and full of food), he jumped on the furniture, and he broke his mother's vase! As a result, all David ever heard his mother say was "No, David!" Here is his story.
大卫·香农(David Shannon)
1959年生于华盛顿,获帕萨迪纳艺术中心设计学院的美术艺术学位,擅长运用油画技法创作绘本,他的作品画面饱满、色彩浓郁,焕发出勃勃的生机。主要作品有《大卫,不可以》《大卫上学去》《大卫惹麻烦》《大卫,圣诞节到啦!》《小仙女艾丽斯》 等,曾获得凯迪克大奖、《纽约时报》年度绘本、美国图书馆协会好书奖等多项大奖。