Living Within Limits
Population is a prominent topic of debate following the world conference at the end of last year. This book tackles the problem of overpopulation with an honesty and fearlessness that is unrivalled, and makes a forceful case for dramatically changing the way we live in, and manage, our world. Hardin suggests radical approaches to overpopulation and points out that the choices a...
Population is a prominent topic of debate following the world conference at the end of last year. This book tackles the problem of overpopulation with an honesty and fearlessness that is unrivalled, and makes a forceful case for dramatically changing the way we live in, and manage, our world. Hardin suggests radical approaches to overpopulation and points out that the choices are hard, but we must not be afraid to carry out forceful solutions in order to better our world in the future.
加勒特·哈丁(Garrett Hardin),世界著名生态经济学家,加利福尼亚大学圣巴巴拉分校的人类生态学荣誉退休教授。他撰写了大量生态学、生物学和伦理学方面的著作,其中包括《普罗米修斯伦理学》、《利他主义的度》、《追寻原始禁忌》和《人口、进化和节育》。