On Grief and Reason
Joseph Brodsky was a great contrarian and believed, against the received wisdom of our day, that good writing could survive translation. He was right, I think, though you had to wonder when you saw how badly his own work fared in English. But then perhaps the Russians hadn't expelled a great poet so much as exposed us to one of their virulent personality cults. Yet Brodsky's es...
Joseph Brodsky was a great contrarian and believed, against the received wisdom of our day, that good writing could survive translation. He was right, I think, though you had to wonder when you saw how badly his own work fared in English. But then perhaps the Russians hadn't expelled a great poet so much as exposed us to one of their virulent personality cults. Yet Brodsky's essays are interesting. Composed in a rather heroically determined English, clumsily phrased and idiomatically challenged, they are still inventive and alive. There are suggestive analyses of favorite poems by Hardy, Rilke, and Frost in this book, and a moving meditation on the figure of Marcus Aurelius. Though too often Brodsky goes on at self-indulgent length, he usually recaptures our attention with a characteristic aside: "The fact that we are livingdoes not mean we are not sick."
1987年诺贝尔文学奖得主约瑟夫•布罗茨基(1940—1996)是一位跨越了英语与俄语世界的文学奇才。生于1940年的列宁格勒,布罗茨基的前半生在母国苏联度过,他的大部分诗歌成就也是用俄语完成的;1972年,永别故土、定居美国的布罗茨基从零开始学习英语,进而一举成为英语世界最为卓 越的散文大师之一。诚如他在一次采访中所给出的自我认知:“我是一名犹太人;一名俄语诗人;一名英语散文家。” 1986年,布罗茨基荣获美国国家书评奖,1987年荣获诺贝尔文学奖,1991年获选“美国桂冠诗人”。其代表作品有诗集《诗选》、《词类》、《致乌拉尼亚》,散文集《小于一》、《悲伤与理智》等。