Accounting for Value

联合创作 · 2023-09-26 04:59

Accounting for Value teaches investors and analysts how to handle accounting in evaluating equity investments. The book's novel approach shows that valuation and accounting are much the same: valuation is actually a matter of accounting for value. Laying aside many of the tools of modern finance& mdash;the cost-of-capital, the CAPM, and discounted cash flow analysis& mdash;S...

Accounting for Value teaches investors and analysts how to handle accounting in evaluating equity investments. The book's novel approach shows that valuation and accounting are much the same: valuation is actually a matter of accounting for value. Laying aside many of the tools of modern finance& mdash;the cost-of-capital, the CAPM, and discounted cash flow analysis& mdash;Stephen Penman returns to the common-sense principles that have long guided fundamental investing: price is what you pay but value is what you get; the risk in investing is the risk of paying too much; anchor on what you know rather than speculation; and beware of paying too much for speculative growth. Penman puts these ideas in touch with the quantification supplied by accounting, producing practical tools for the intelligent investor. Accounting for value provides protection from paying too much for a stock and clues the investor in to the likely return from buying growth. Strikingly, the analysis finesses the need to calculate a "cost-of-capital," which often frustrates the application of modern valuation techniques. Accounting for value recasts "value" versus "growth" investing and explains such curiosities as why earnings-to-price and book-to-price ratios predict stock returns. By the end of the book, Penman has the intelligent investor thinking like an intelligent accountant, better equipped to handle the bubbles and crashes of our time. For accounting regulators, Penman also prescribes a formula for intelligent accounting reform, engaging with such controversial issues as fair value accounting.

斯蒂芬·彭曼,哥伦比亚大学商学院George O.May讲席教授、会计系主任。曾任伯克利加州大学教授、伦敦商学院和瑞典经济学院访问教授。他是美国会计学界实证研究和规范研究的学者。著有《财务报表分析与证券定价》、《投资中最重要的事》。1991年获美国会计学会和美国注册会计师协会授予的会计学杰出贡献奖,2002年获美国会计学会和德勤会计师事务所颁发的怀尔德曼勋章,2009年在斯德哥尔摩经济学院百年庆典上被授予该校的荣誉博士学位。他的主要研究领域是财务会计、投资策略与价值投资。

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