Implementing Responsive Design
New devices and platforms emerge daily. Browsers iterate at a remarkable pace. Faced with this volatile landscape we can either struggle for control or we can embrace the inherent flexibility of the web. Responsive design is not just another technique-it is the beginning of the maturation of a medium and a fundamental shift in the way we think about the web. Implementing Respon...
New devices and platforms emerge daily. Browsers iterate at a remarkable pace. Faced with this volatile landscape we can either struggle for control or we can embrace the inherent flexibility of the web. Responsive design is not just another technique-it is the beginning of the maturation of a medium and a fundamental shift in the way we think about the web. Implementing Responsive Design is a practical examination of how this fundamental shift affects the way we design and build our sites. Readers will learn how to: * Build responsive sites using a combination of fluid layouts, media queries, and fluid media * Adopt a responsive workflow from the very start of a project * Enhance content for different devices * Use feature-detection and server-side enhancement to provide a richer experience
Tim Kadlec,是一位资深的Web开发者,也是Breaking Development联合创始人。Tim通过应用各类Web技术,满足了出版业、制造业、金融业等不同行业诸多用户对于跨设备完成各种规模任务的需求。 侯鸿儒,本科期间自学了HTML、CSS、JavaScript和PHP,在清华大学计算机系完成了有关HTML5应用的硕士毕业设计。之后又顺其自然地接触到了UI/UX,对响应式设计有着浓厚兴趣,并做过“Responsive Web Design & Workflow”的演讲。