At Home with Books
At Home with Books is a visual delight, a helpful resource, and an inspiration for every bibliophile with a growing home library. Includes professional advice on editing and categorizing your library; caring for your books; preserving, restoring, and storing rare books; finding out-of-print books; and choosing furniture, lighting, and shelving. Full-color photographs.
仿佛是跟着某只书虫去它寄居的地方游猎了一番。在一对以书店为家的夫妇家中,无论是浴缸边上、厨碗架下,或是走廊的过道中都堆满了散发着诱人气息的书籍,甚至连睡床也被围在了书架之中;the Duke of Devonshire的藏书室古典而奢华;Barbara家中则有一条4500平方英尺的"endless corridor of books";还有英国Booktown的小旅馆前赫然挂着“Rest for the tired, Books for the inspired”的招牌。。。