Specification by Example

联合创作 · 2023-10-05 23:37

Summary Specification by Example is an emerging practice for creating software based on realistic examples, bridging the communication gap between business stakeholders and the dev teams building the software. In this book, author Gojko Adzic distills interviews with successful teams worldwide, sharing how they specify, develop, and deliver software, without defects, in short i...

Summary Specification by Example is an emerging practice for creating software based on realistic examples, bridging the communication gap between business stakeholders and the dev teams building the software. In this book, author Gojko Adzic distills interviews with successful teams worldwide, sharing how they specify, develop, and deliver software, without defects, in short iterative delivery cycles.About the Technology Specification by Example is a collaborative method for specifying requirements and tests. Seven patterns, fully explored in this book, are key to making the method effective. The method has four main benefits: it produces living, reliable documentation; it defines expectations clearly and makes validation efficient; it reduces rework; and, above all, it assures delivery teams and business stakeholders that the software that's built is right for its purpose.About the Book This book distills from the experience of leading teams worldwide effective ways to specify, test, and deliver software in short, iterative delivery cycles. Case studies in this book range from small web startups to large financial institutions, working in many processes including XP, Scrum, and Kanban. This book is written for developers, testers, analysts, and business people working together to build great software. Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book.What's InsideCommon process patternsHow to avoid bad practicesFitting SBE in your process50+ case studies For additional resources go to specificationbyexample.com. ===============================================Table of ContentsPart 1 Getting startedKey benefitsKey process patternsLiving documentationInitiating the changesPart 2 Key process patternsDeriving scope from goalsSpecifying collaborativelyIllustrating using examplesRefining the specificationAutomating validation without changing specificationsValidating frequentlyEvolving a documentation systemPart 3 Case studiesuSwitchRainStorIowa Student LoanSabre Airline SolutionsePlan ServicesSongkickConcluding thoughts

Gojko Adzic

战略软件交付顾问,专注于敏捷和精益开发,尤其擅长敏捷测试、实例化需求和行为驱动开发。Gojko经常在国际上重要的软件开发和测试会议上发言,并运营着英国的敏捷测试用户小组。最近这十多年来,他一直在财务和能源交易平台、移动定位、电子商务、在线游戏和复杂配置管理系统等行业项目中,从事程序员、架构师、技术指导和顾问等工作。除本书外,他还著有Bridging the Communication Gap、Test Driven.Net Development with FitNesse和The Secret Ninja Cucumber Scrolls等书。

张昌贵 (Steven Zhang)

软件开发经理,CSM, CSPO, CSP,敏捷软件开发参与者,软件开源运动拥护者。

张博超(Jackson Zhang)


Gojko Adzic

战略软件交付顾问,专注于敏捷和精益开发,尤其擅长敏捷测试、实例化需求和行为驱动开发。Gojko经常在国际上重要的软件开发和测试会议上发言,并运营着英国的敏捷测试用户小组。最近这十多年来,他一直在财务和能源交易平台、移动定位、电子商务、在线游戏和复杂配置管理系统等行业项目中,从事程序员、架构师、技术指导和顾问等工作。除本书外,他还著有Bridging the Communication Gap、Test Driven.Net Development with FitNesse和The Secret Ninja Cucumber Scrolls等书。

张昌贵 (Steven Zhang)

软件开发经理,CSM, CSPO, CSP,敏捷软件开发参与者,软件开源运动拥护者。

张博超(Jackson Zhang)

软件开发工程师,CSM, CSPO, CSP。关注敏捷开发,积极实践并推广各种敏捷方法。个人博客:iagile.me/blog

石永超(Stone Shi)


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