More than Night
"Film Noir" evokes memories of stylish, cynical, black-and-white movies from the 1940s and '50s - melodramas about private eyes, femmes fatales, criminal gangs, and lovers on the run. James Naremore's prize-winning book discusses these pictures, but also shows that the central term is more complex and paradoxical than we realize. It treats noir as a term in criticism, as an exp...
"Film Noir" evokes memories of stylish, cynical, black-and-white movies from the 1940s and '50s - melodramas about private eyes, femmes fatales, criminal gangs, and lovers on the run. James Naremore's prize-winning book discusses these pictures, but also shows that the central term is more complex and paradoxical than we realize. It treats noir as a term in criticism, as an expression of artistic modernism, as a symptom of Hollywood censorship and politics, as a market strategy, as an evolving style, and as an idea that circulates through all the media. This new and expanded edition of "More Than Night" contains an additional chapter on film noir in the twenty-first century.
詹姆斯•纳雷摩尔(James Naremore),印第安纳大学荣休校长教授(Emeritus Chancellor’s professor),专业领域包括英语文学、电影研究、跨文化交流。同所有的顶级影评人一样,纳雷摩尔的视野——对作为总体的文化,和作为特殊领域的电影——极其宽广。在过去的两年里,他为《电影季刊》(Film Quarterly)撰写长篇文章,专论他最喜欢的十部上年电影。